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COVID-19: MedTech Navigates the Pandemic

Written by Thomas Wallick | 4/13/20 5:31 PM

As Covid-19 tightens its grip on the global community, the impact on the world economy grows. SmartTRAK's analysts are constantly monitoring the effect COVID-19 is having on the Life Sciences industry, sifting through the noise to present the most relevant news to its subscribers. Our analysts continue to publish real-time updates throughout the day, detailing what you need to know about the impact the international healthcare crisis is having on the industry at large.

Following is a selection of the COVID-19 updates from the past week as compiled by the analysts at SmartTRAK:

COVID-19 Could Travel in Air Up to 13 Feet
New research published by the CDC showed COVID-19 was detected in air up to 4 m (~13 feet) from pts in a study that tested surface and air samples from a hospital w/ COVID-19 pts in Wuhan, China. The virus was detected on floors, computer mice, doorknobs, bed rails & trash cans.

COVID-19: Roadmap for Reopening the US

A report by former FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb, MD and colleagues at the American Enterprise Institute provides a roadmap for navigating through the COVID-19 pandemic in the US and outlines steps needed to start reopening America for businesses and families. AEI

DSM Launches Site to Support COVID-19 Efforts
With COVID-19 disrupting supply chains and causing shortages, DSM has launched a web page that brings together designs and resources for people looking to help alleviate the supply issues using 3D printing technology.

COVID-19: Canaccord Survey
  • Results from a recent Canaccord survey of MedTech execs and VC community on COVID-19 indicate the movement to telemedicine and virtual interactions will be a lasting effect. Clinicians implementing it now will make it part of their standard practice.
  • Canaccord's survey respondents also noted that less in-person access for MedTech reps could be a durable trend. Companies embracing virtual communication to maintain customer relationships and offer training and support are likely to have a post-COVID advantage.

SNIS Recommendations for Treating NV Patients Amid COVID-19
The SNIS published recommendations for the care of emergent NV pts in the setting of COVID-19. SNIS says the presence of COVID-19 should not alter the inclusion/exclusion criteria for MT and providers should use available guidelines to ID and manage LVOs whenever possible.

Alternate Care Models for Wound Care Patients
The Alliance of Wound Care Stakeholders sent a letter to CMS entitled “Request for Flexibility in Providing Wound Care Services and Products to Ensure COVID-19 Patients Receive Appropriate Care” highlighting alternate care models and methods for reimbursement.

COVID-19: HHS/CDC Announces Funding for Increased Testing/Surveillance
HHS announced the CDC will be providing $186MM in funding for add’l resources to state and local public health depts to support testing and surveillance of COVID-19 and to rapidly respond to emerging disease clusters where there is limited person-to-person spread of the virus.

COVID-19 and DVTs
An observational study will investigate the prevalence and possible risk factors of the occurrence of a DVT in 12 intubated and mechanically ventilated COVID-19 pts in the ICU during 1 day. Est study completion is Dec 2020 and recruitment has not begun.

COVID-19: Serious Impact on Japanese Economy
Haruhiko Kuroda, Bank of Japan Gov, stated the pandemic is seriously impacting the Japanese economy w/ exports, output and spending declined and that uncertainty over the economic outlook is very high. Japan Times

COVID-19: French Economy Shrinks
France’s central bank estimates the economy contracted 6% in Q1 and the Bank of France expects a 32% loss during COVID-19 confinement, according to Bloomberg. This decline could result in capital equipment spending freezes and increased price sensitivity for MedTech.

COVID-19: Clinical Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery
In this article, surgeons from Leicester Institute of Orthopaedics share their personal views of the current COVID-19 pandemic crisis and the impact on trauma and orthopaedic surgeons. JCOT

COVID-19: Mysterious Heart Damage
In addition to lung damage, many COVID-19 pts are developing heart problems, w/ initial studies showing cardiac damage in as many as 1 in 5 pts. The critical unknown is whether the emerging heart problems are caused by the virus itself or are a byproduct of the body’s reaction.

PLX Cells Prelim Data Report From The COVID Compassionate Use Program
Pluristem announced preliminary data from its compassionate use program, treating 7 COVID-19 pts w/ acute respiratory failure & inflammatory complications w/ its PLX cells. While the pts are considered high risk for mortality, data demonstrated 100% survival rate as of today.

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