Spring 2021 brought on much relief to the US Joint Fluid Replacement market and the summer looked promising for a return to normal business conditions. However, as more cases of COVID-19 Delta variant were reported, especially in key hyaluronic acid (HA) states, like Texas and Florida, companies were left as though their bubble got burst. Some players expressed concerns that volumes could be depressed for Q421 since it does not seem to be picking up as fast as they projected. But, for Q321 and for the most part, the majority of HA market players did report positive revenue increases in the third quarter.
Among the many topics covered in detail in our comprehensive Q321 US Joint Fluid Replacement Market Recap* are:
Overall, aggregate revenue growth for Q321 was positive vs Q320, mainly due to COVID-19 recovery. According to SmartTRAK Financial Dashboard, the US Joint Fluid Replacement Market was also up ...
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