The WW Market for Foot & Ankle Fixation was up +3.2%, as reported, during Q419, as a result of easy YoY comps. The US Foot & Ankle Fixation market segment was the primary growth driver. The US segment was up +4.2%, slightly down from Q319’s +4.1%.
Despite a year of fluctuating results in the Foot & Ankle Fixation segment, Stryker remained the number one player with 26.5% US share for Q419. Management confirmed that Q4 results were dampened due to tough comps and changing market dynamics in the trauma extremities segment.
Among the many topics covered in the comprehensive Q419 Extremities Market Recap* are:
The WW and US Markets for Upper Extremities Fixation posted growth, the US Shoulder Replacement market experienced the strongest growth of the last four quarters, Ankle Replacement market growth rebounded in Q4 and, like the Shoulder Replacement market, also posted its strongest growth of the year.
*The entire article can only be viewed by SmartTRAK subscribers to this module. For information on how to subscribe, please click the button below.