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SmartTRAK Life Sciences News and Analysis Blog

2 min read

The Future of Biosensors and Smart Dressings in Wound Care Diagnostics

8/2/22 9:30 AM

Future of Biosensors HEADERCould biosensors and smart dressings be the final frontier in wound diagnostics? SmartTRAK explores the current progress of this market and how it could develop.

It has been 15 years since the World Union of Wound Healing Societies’ Initiative published a consensus document entitled “Diagnostics and Wounds.” Since then, the clinical practice around assessing and diagnosing wounds has not evolved at the same rate as that of treatments. At the same time, the need for improved wound diagnostics has never been greater given burgeoning chronic wound numbers and the continued shift of wound care services to the outpatient setting.

Could the next area of development be that of biosensors and smart dressings? SmartTRAK believes there is increasing evidence that this could be the case. In this article, we explore the developments that are taking place, how the identification of infection biomarkers may be lucrative and ways the market may change in the coming years.

Among the many topics discussed in this article are:

  • Which Biomarkers are being Tested and Why
  • The Challenges to Overcome
  • Progress to Market
  • Selected Patents in Wound Diagnostic Sensors by Manufacturer
  • Selected Ongoing Academic Research Projects in Wound Diagnostic Sensors
  • The Future

There is momentum behind biosensors and smart dressings. When the triumvirate of clinical requirement, industry investment and academic focus all align it often results in disruptive changes to practice. SmartTRAK recently discussed the area with industry figures and the response that sensors are the future of wound care was almost universal. Opinion differs on how long it will take for the products to reach the mass market, with estimates ranging from ...

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Topics: Wound Care

Kris Flinn
Written by Kris Flinn

Analyst, Wound Care - 20+ years of experience within wound care including Smith & Nephew. Recently ran a consultancy focusing on assisting med device companies with commercial strategies. Kris is based in England.

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