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SmartTRAK Life Sciences News and Analysis Blog

2 min read

Q318 Joint Fluid Market Recap-Trending Downward Owing to Pricing Declines

12/5/18 9:55 AM

Q318 Joint FluidPricing pressure continues to dampen the US Joint Fluid market, which experienced a double-digit decline of -9.9% according to SmartTRAK's Financial Dashboard results. While the market continues to expand in terms of the number of patients treated, ASPs have steadily eroded over the past three quarters since the Anthem non-coverage decision kicked in earlier this year. Year-to-date, the US Joint Fluid market slowed significantly, posting negative growth according to SmartTRAK estimates...

Among the many topics covered in the Q318 Joint Fluid Market Recap are:

  • Market Highlights and Overview
  • Decline in Single-Injection Market
  • 3-Injection Market Competition
  • 5-Injection Market

SmartTRAK reports that all major Joint Fluid segments were down for the quarter, with the exception of the 2-injection market...

Read the entire Q318 Joint Fluid Market Recap including data, news and analysis*...

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Topics: Orthopedics

Sharon O'Reilly
Written by Sharon O'Reilly

Founder, President and Chief Executive Officer Founder, former President & CEO, Medtech Insight, 25+ years' experience in the Medical Device industry in Sales, Marketing, Business Development, Consulting with major manufacturers (J&J, Pfizer, US Surgical), start-up companies and business intelligence providers (Medical Data International, Windhover Information)

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