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SmartTRAK Life Sciences News and Analysis Blog

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Enthesis Reformation and the Science of Bone-to-Tendon Healing

By Andy Knapik on 3/26/25 9:25 AM

SmartTRAK spotlights Tetrous in an interview at AAOS 2025 in San Diego. 

Andy Carter, Chief Technology Officer and Founder of Tetrous, discusses the company’s novel approach to addressing Enthesis Failure Syndrome in an interview with SmartTRAK at the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) 2025 Annual Meeting in San Diego. 

To learn more about Tetrous and its novel technology, listen to the following video. (21:42 min.) A link to download the transcript of the interview is also provided below. 


Hey everybody, it's Andy Knapik, live here at AAOS 2025 in San Diego. Today I'm joined here with a friend, colleague, and someone I've known now for, I guess a couple years, Andy Carter, Founder, Chief Technology Officer of a company called Tetrous, which is really some exciting biologic technology. So I just brought him along. We're going to chat a little bit about it. So Andy, why don't you just tell everybody what it is about Tetrous and what you guys do and why it's so great.

Andy Carter: Thanks for the opportunity. It's a great topic to talk about and I really, really love it. So we started Tetrous a couple of years ago. We spun it out of Theracell, the company that we sold to, ISTO Biologics. They're doing great and taking the technology in the spine and doing various things. But along the way, I read quite a few papers about how demineralized bone matrix materials could influence enthesis repair. And that's getting back to sports medicine, which is my roots and well, my real passion. I looked at these papers and they basically showed that demineralized bone matrix materials could influence the enthesis to heal. A tendon, the enthesis, is the bit between the tendon and the bone. It's the junction. It's how you get load transfer between rigid bone and flexible tendon. It's a biological structure that's very exquisite and unique. You look at the histology and the biologists go into raptures and "wows" about it and whatever.

The fundamentals are that you've got collagen fibers going from the bone through into the tendon. That's what gives you the strength. You see them in the histology with Sharpey's fibers. If you just reattach tendon to bone, you just get scar tissue. Scar tissue is not as strong. Basically, it pulls out and thins and fails with time. So part of the reason that we see so many problems with rotator cuff repair is that nobody's doing anything to heal the enthesis. There was this literature out there saying, ‘Hey, you can use DBM for this,’ but none of the papers showed it in any way that was something that you could see a surgeon being able to use-

Right, a practical form.

AC: There's one group, guys I know very well had used DBM powder. Now DBM powder, you can do it in a rat study and show that it works, but that's not a product. So what we were able to do, one of the clever things about the technology that we developed at Theracell, the fiber technology is, it allows us to ....

Click the button below to download and read the complete transcript of SmartTRAK's interview with Andy Carter, founder and CTO of Tetrous, conducted by Andy Knapik, SmartTRAK Senior Analyst, Soft Tissue Fixation and Arthroscopic Enabling Technologies.Download the Transcript

SmartTRAK is the Medtech industry’s only global Insights-as-a-Service solution for the Orthopedics, Wound Care, Regenerative Medicine and Neuro Therapy markets. SmartTRAK’s propriety methodology turns disparate data from hundreds of sources into powerful insights customers can rely on as the trusted source for strategic decision-making. The SmartTRAK enterprise platform includes rich daily updates, comprehensive market coverage and simple-to-use tools and dashboards for market, product and financial analysis. Customers leveraging the SmartTRAK platform also have direct access to market experts for inquiries and advisory services. If you would like a demo of what SmartTRAK has to offer and see how we can help increase proficiency, improve productivity and reduce costs for your company, just click here.

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Spine Market Shake-Up: Trends, Drivers and What’s Next

By Elise Wolf on 3/18/25 9:30 AM

SmartTRAK delves into recent spinal implant divestitures.

The global Spinal Implant Market has seen an increasing number of divestitures in recent years. Large strategics are streamlining their portfolios, while private equity firms and specialized manufacturers are capitalizing on the opportunity to acquire divested assets. In this article, SmartTRAK explores the key drivers behind these divestitures, notable transactions and the broader implications for the industry, including:

  • Recent Divestitures from Key Players
    • In January, Stryker (SYK) announced a definitive agreement to sell its US spinal implants business to the Viscogliosi Brothers (VB), a New York-based investment firm focused on neuro and musculoskeletal technologies. VB Spine is set to become ... (read more)
  • Why the Shake-ups? 
    • The Spine Hardware Market is characterized as a very SKU-heavy business with little differentiation among implants, making it expensive and requiring savvy and specialized operations to ensure profitability. Market-leading strategics, Medtronic (MDT) and Globus (GMED) are acquiring ... (read more)
  • Focus on Interventional Market
    • With ZBH and SYK exiting the spinal fusion space altogether, other companies are targeting adjacent high-growth markets, where there is a much larger population of chronic low back pain (CLBP) patients to treat in lieu of fusion. Post divestiture, SYK will retain ... (read more)
  • Continued Evolution Expected
    • Consolidation and specialization in the Spine Market could lead to improved product quality, better integration of new technologies and enhanced patient outcomes. SmartTRAK expects the Spine Market 
      will ...(read more)

Curious about the latest transactions and trends in the Spine Market and the broader implications for the industry? Click the button below to download the complete market outlook article, "Spine Market Shake-Up: Trends, Drivers and What’s Next" by Elise Wolf, SmartTRAK VP& GM, Orthopedics & Quality.Get the Article

SmartTRAK is the Medtech industry’s only global Insights-as-a-Service solution for the Orthopedics, Wound Care, Regenerative Medicine and Neuro Therapy markets. SmartTRAK’s propriety methodology turns disparate data from hundreds of sources into powerful insights customers can rely on as the trusted source for strategic decision-making. The SmartTRAK enterprise platform includes rich daily updates, comprehensive market coverage and simple-to-use tools and dashboards for market, product and financial analysis. Customers leveraging the SmartTRAK platform also have direct access to market experts for inquiries and advisory services. If you would like a demo of what SmartTRAK has to offer and see how we can help increase proficiency, improve productivity and reduce costs for your company, just click here.
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3 min read

CG 2025 Musculoskeletal Conference: Spotlight on Doron Therapeutics

By Sharon O'Reilly on 3/11/25 11:40 AM

SmartTRAK spotlights Doron Therapeutics in an interview with CEO Alessandra Pavesio at CG 2025 Musculoskeletal Conference in San Diego. 

Alessandra Pavesio, CEO of Doron Therapeutics, discusses the company, recent milestones and MOTYS, the company’s placental-derived injectable therapeutic for osteoarthritis, in an interview with   SmartTRAK  at the Canaccord Genuity (CG) 2025 Musculoskeletal Conference in San Diego, March 10, 2025.

To find out more, watch the following video (4:27 min). A link to a transcript of the interview is also provided below. 

SmartTRAK: Hi, this is Sharon O'Reilly. I'm at the Canaccord Conference before the 2025 AAOS, and I ran into Alessandra Pavesio, who's so excited about her company, Doron Therapeutics.

So, Alessandra, why don't you tell us a little bit about the company and some of the exciting new developments.

Alessandra Pavesio: It's always great to see you, Sharon. I love bumping into you and having some really good news to deliver. First of all, what is Doron Therapeutics? It's a management-led spin-off. We really were passionate about a technology that we've developed with Bioventus, and when Bioventus divested from this program for financial considerations, we were able to negotiate a very favorable deal to actually set up a spin-off company and go raise private capital to invest in the program.

The good news is that, yes, we've set up a company. Yes, we have raised private capital. And so now we are really up and running and getting ready to start a Phase III study.

Big milestone that we've accomplished is that we've been recognized by FDA as an RMAT therapy. RMAT means Regenerative Medicine Advanced Therapy. As such, that means attention from senior officials at FDA that are really partnering with you to get this product to market for the patients that we serve. Super excited.

SmartTRAK: Tell us about the product.

AP: So our lead program is called MOTYS. It's placental-derived injectable therapeutic. It's a biological drug that ...

Click the button below to download and read the complete transcript of SmartTRAK's interview with Doron Therpeutics' CEO Alessandro Pavesio, conducted by Sharon O'Reilly, SmartTRAK Founder and CEO.Download the Transcript

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2 min read

Bone Replacement Trends for 2025

By Erin Dorgan on 3/10/25 2:54 PM

SmartTRAK will be attending AAOS 2025 this week. Join us at AAOS to explore our solution and discuss our roadmap for expanding into other orthopedic markets. Learn more about our Brand Tracker here or schedule time to Meet with Us at the show!

Topics: Orthopedics
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3 min read

Joint Replacement Trends to Watch in 2025

By Lisa Mahan on 2/4/25 9:30 AM

SmartTRAK discusses market trends, including future potential market disrupters.

The FY24E US Total Joints Market is expected to increase +4.3% YoY from FY23; compared to 2023, with growth of +8.0%, the US Total Joints Market is still performing above 2019 pre-COVID levels. SmartTRAK projects this trend will continue in 2025, with the market expected to increase +3.7% from FY24E. With the backlog of procedures from the pandemic appearing to be reduced, SmartTRAK looks at other trends to watch in 2025, including:

  •  Joint Replacement Procedures Continue Migrating to the ASC Setting
    • In 2023, SmartTRAK estimated that approximately 10% of all US hip and knee replacement procedures were performed in an ambulatory surgery center (ASC) setting. This trend shows no signs of slowing down. Based on recent procedure trends data, SmartTRAK projects ... (read more)
    • While procedure volumes at ASCs have risen, Medicare reimbursement rates continue to drop. SmartTRAK tracking of Medicare surgeon reimbursement shows ... (read more)
  • Technology Trends: Streamlining, Personalization, Outcomes
    • Technology trends carrying over from 2024 include streamlining, personalization and outcomes. Some of the new products launching in 2025 are ... (read more)
  • Potentially Disruptive Orthobiologic Therapies Coming to Market
    • New Orthobiologic injection therapies aim to better manage symptoms and modify disease progression in osteoarthritis (OA) patients. SmartTRAK feels this is ... (read more)
  • Eight New Therapies on the Horizon That Could Impact Joint Replacement
    • Delaying surgeries by managing symptoms and  ... (read more)
    • Reducing the number of joint replacements performed: Advanced OA injectable therapies that more effectively target pain management could result in ... (read more)

Curious about the latest trends in the joint replacement market for 2025?    Click below to read her comprehensive market outlook article "Joint Replacement Trends to Watch in 2025" by Lisa Mahan, SmartTRAK's VP of Product Development & IT, Sr. Analyst Total Joints.Get the Article

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4 min read

SmartTRAK's Top Blog Posts of 2024

By Thomas Wallick on 1/21/25 9:30 AM

In 2024, SmartTRAK continued to empower you to Be The Expert in the MedTech industry. As your trusted resource for up-to-date industry insights, we delivered real-time market data, analysis and actionable insights across the orthopedics, wound care, regenerative medicine and neurotherapy markets. Here are SmartTRAK's Top Blog Posts from 2024, offering valuable perspectives from our expert analysts.

  1. Skin Substitute Market Rocked by DOJ Investigations
    SmartTRAK believes the billions of dollars of Medicare abuse already uncovered is the tip of the iceberg in services billed to Medicare via the Physician Fee Schedule.

  2. Medtronic: Making Waves At NANS 2024
    Medtronic executives discuss how the company is making waves in interventional pain, minimally invasive spine and deep brain stimulation in an interview with SmartTRAK at NANS 2024.

  3. Spine Market Movers to Watch in 2024
    SmartTRAK highlights companies to watch as they continue their double-digit growth train with multiple catalysts for expansion in 2024.

    Request a Demo of the SmartTRAK Business Intelligence Platform

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Showcasing Direct Anterior Hip Solutions at AAHKS 2024

By Lisa Mahan on 12/17/24 6:06 PM

The popularity of direct anterior approach THA is driving new product introductions.

With the exploding growth of enabling technology, much of the focus on implant solutions in recent years has been on knee replacement systems compatible with enabling technologies. At the same time, minimally invasive techniques for hip replacement using the direct anterior approach (DAA) have rapidly been gaining favor among surgeons. More companies are designing implant solutions to facilitate DAA, for use with and without enabling technologies. At this year’s American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons (AAHKS) Annual Meeting, manufacturers were showcasing not one, but four new hip systems specifically designed to facilitate the direct anterior approach. Because surgeon adoption of this technique appears to be accelerating, it is potentially a significant opportunity for implant companies. In a 2022 survey of its members, AAHKS found that DAA was the most utilized for primary total hip arthroplasty THA (56%), a significant increase from 2018 when 40% of AAHKS surgeons indicated they used an anterior approach.

The introduction of these new stems almost plays out like a David vs Goliath story with two smaller US market players, NextStep Arthropedix and Corin, facing two of the four largest, Zimmer Biomet and Smith+Nephew. In this downloadable article, SmartTRAK looks at these new stems hitting the US market, including a brief history of the stems, their features and benefits, and the market positioning for each.

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3 min read

Musculoskeletal New Ventures Conference 2024

By Erin Dorgan on 12/3/24 9:40 AM

New spine technologies "pushed the envelope" at MNVC

The Musculoskeletal New Ventures Conference (MNVC) is an annual meeting where early and late-stage companies present their ideas. This meeting occurred in Memphis, Tennessee, from October 28 - 30, with a broad mix of attendees, including surgeons, venture capitalists, the medical device industry and researchers. Forty companies presented this year, a record number for this meeting, focused exclusively on the musculoskeletal industry. In this article, SmartTRAK highlights six companies with new technologies to "push the envelope" in the US Spinal Hardware Market, which SmartTRAK estimates is growing at a 5-year CAGR of +4.7%.

This downloadable article provides an in-depth look at the following six companies' innovative new technologies:

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2 min read

Trends and Developments in Spine Enabling Technologies at NASS 2024

By Thomas Wallick on 9/24/24 9:36 AM

SmartTRAK is attending the upcoming North American Spine Society (NASS) meeting being held Sept. 25-28 in Chicago, Our team can't wait to see all of our colleagues at the premier meeting for the spine market. To help you get ready for the meeting, in the following video, Elise Wolf, SmartTRAK's VP & GM of Orthopedics and Digital, reviews the latest trends and developments in the Spine Enabling Technologies market.

If you would like to see more of what SmartTRAK has to offer in spine coverage, including some of our recent articles on the trends and developments in the Spine Enabling Technologies market, or if you would like to meet with us at NASS 2024 in Chicago,  just click the button below.

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2 min read

NASS 2024: Bone Replacement Developments to Know Before You Go

By Thomas Wallick on 9/23/24 1:35 PM

SmartTRAK is attending the upcoming North American Spine Society (NASS) meeting being held Sept. 25-28 in Chicago, and we can't wait to see all of our colleagues at the premier meeting for the spine market. To help you get ready for the meeting, Erin Dorgan, SmartTRAK Senior Analyst, Spine, has recorded this video update with an overview of the bone replacement products and companies to watch at NASS 2024.

If you would like to see more of what SmartTRAK has to offer in spine coverage and the bone replacement market, including some of our recent articles, or meet with us at NASS 2024,  just click the button below.

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