Trauma market continues to ride the wave of healthy growth with positive returns for current players and new players start to stir the waters
Trauma players rode the wave of another quarter of healthy returns as trauma procedures were not as impacted by the rise in the Delta variant as its elective procedure counterparts. The Trauma Market closed Q3 up +4.5% YoY compared to Q320, with the US up +5.8% YoY.
Among the many topics covered in detail in our comprehensive Q321 Trauma Market Recap* are:
- Complete Q321 Trauma Market Overview
- SmartTRAK's Expert Analysis and Insights
- All Market News including Revenues, Data, Charts and Shares
- Current Players Ride the Wave
- New Players Make Ripples
- Q321 Regulatory Highlights
Major players reported growth within the core trauma segment as new players made their own ripples with M&A discussions swirling along with a new product FDA clearance enabling a pure play extremities player to dive into ...

SmartTRAK has launched five new modules for 2021, including Pediatric Trauma, Pediatric Extremities, Arthroscopic Technologies and Pediatric Spine. Click here to see details of all the exciting new content now available on SmartTRAK.