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SmartTRAK Publication Alert: Q118 Hemostats and Sealants Market Recap

6/13/18 9:00 AM

SmartTRAK Alert Blog Post Social Media - Q118 Hemostats and Sealants RecapSmartTRAK, the leading source of competitive life sciences intelligence used by the top ten global orthopedic & wound care companies, has published its Q118 Hemostats and Sealants Market Recap.

As reported in SmartTRAK’s Financial Dashboard, most manufacturers in the Hemostats and Sealants market saw revenue growth in Q118, led by Baxter and Ethicon. Pfizer and CR Bard (now part of Becton Dickinson) were the only companies that did not post growth in Q118. The US market for Hemostats and Sealants grew +3.1% YoY in Q118, slightly lower than historic growth rates. While biologic sealants continue to lag, every other segment grew, led by absorbable hemostats and fibrin sealants.

Among the many topics covered in the Q118 Hemostats and Sealants Market Recap are:

  • Ethicon Continues to Lead Hemostats and Sealants
  • Polysaccharides Post Gains In Hemostats Segment
  • Fibrin: The Star in US Sealants
  • US Hemostats and Sealants Market Q118 News and updates

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Topics: Wound Care

Doug Devens
Written by Doug Devens

20 years of diverse medical device experience, including leading companies 3M, Coloplast and Boston Scientific, along with emerging companies. Leadership experience in product development, including championing the process for voice of customer and concept feedback sessions with key thought leaders.

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