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SmartTRAK Life Sciences News and Analysis Blog

2 min read

Underlying Dynamics in Healthcare Policy and Reimbursement: SAWC Spring 2023

6/12/23 9:21 AM

SAWC Spring 2023 HEADERThe success or failure of medical technology often hinges on dynamics occurring within healthcare policy and reimbursement. In this article, SmartTRAK highlights policy and reimbursement themes from SAWC Spring 2023

SAWC Spring 2023 welcomed clinicians, researchers and industry to Washington, DC, to share knowledge and network on the latest developments in advanced wound care. While the attention centered on advances in disease management and technological innovation, SmartTRAK noted compelling discussions involving healthcare policy and reimbursement that may have been missed by some industry participants.

In this article, which can be downloaded here, SmartTRAK explores coverage and payment dynamics surrounding the following topics:

  • Artificial Intelligence: Implications for Advanced Wound Care
    • Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the hot topic of the day. Companies seek to capitalize on it, governments want to regulate it, some workers fear it ...
  • Medicare Advantage: Growing Concerns About Claims Denials
    • Medicare Advantage plans are under fire for reportedly restricting access to medically necessary care ...
  • Topical Oxygen Therapy: Reconsidering Local MAC Coverage Policy
    • In 2017, industry stakeholders requested that CMS remove the non-coverage of topical oxygen therapies (TOT) from the National Coverage Determination (NCD) Manual ...

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the hot topic of the day. Companies seek to capitalize on it, governments want to regulate it and some workers fear it. Given the attention, it is fitting that sessions touching on AI bookended SAWC Spring 2023. Daniel Kraft, MD, opened the keynote address with captivating slides on how medicine is positioned within the fourth industrial revolution, where robotics, big data and AI are transforming care and leading to ...

To download and read the complete "Underlying Dynamics in Healthcare Policy and Reimbursement" by Terry Hayslett, Senior Analyst, Advanced Wound Care, just click the button below. Download the Article

SmartTRAK is the Medtech industry’s only global Insights-as-a-Service solution for the Orthopedics, Wound Care, Regenerative Medicine and Neuro Therapy markets. SmartTRAK’s propriety methodology turns disparate data from hundreds of sources into powerful insights customers can rely on as the trusted source for strategic decision-making. The SmartTRAK enterprise platform includes rich daily updates, comprehensive market coverage and simple-to-use tools and dashboards for market, product and financial analysis. Customers leveraging the SmartTRAK platform also have direct access to market experts for inquiries and advisory services. If you would like a demo of what SmartTRAK has to offer and see how we can help increase proficiency, improve productivity and reduce costs for your company, just click here.


Topics: Wound Care

Terry Hayslett
Written by Terry Hayslett

Senior Analyst, Wound Care. 20+ years of healthcare experience, including provider reimbursement, corporate compliance, BD, strategic planning, financial analysis, and health economics. Most recently responsible for the global funding and reimbursement function at Molnlycke.

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