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SmartTRAK Life Sciences News and Analysis Blog

2 min read

Q218 Total Joints Market Recap: Potential Market Softening

9/25/18 11:14 AM

Q218 Total Joints RecapForeign currency exchange rates boosted reported WW market growth, while the US market failed to rebound as expected

In Q218, positive foreign currency exchange rates boosted reported growth again in the WW Total Joints Market, while the US market grew sequentially but with a less-than-expected rebound following challenges in Q118...

Among the many topics covered in detail in the Q218 Total Joints Market Recap are:

  • Market Improves Sequentially but No Major Improvement YoY
  • Jockeying Share in Knees but Hips Seems Stagnant
  • New Product Highlights
  • Q218 Regulatory Highlights

US Total Joints market growth improved over Q118’s nearly flat growth to 2.0% in Q218. Growth during the second quarter also seemed to be consistent with...

Read the entire Q218 Total Joints Market Recap including data, news and analysis*...

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Topics: Orthopedics

Lisa Mahan
Written by Lisa Mahan

20+ years' experience in orthopedic industry, including 12 years at J&J DePuy Orthopaedics. Competitive Intelligence Analyst and e-Marketing manager at J&J DePuy Orthopaedics.

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