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Q'Apel Medical: Differentiating Devices for Neurointervention

12/24/24 9:48 AM

Jodie Fam QApel Med v2Q’Apel Medical CEO Jodie Fam discusses the company, strategies for growth and Q’Apel’s approach to innovation in an interview with SmartTRAK at SVIN 2024. 

Q’Apel Medical CEO Jodie Fam discusses the company, its technologies, strategies for growth and Q’Apel’s approach to innovation in an interview with SmartTRAK at the Society of Vascular and Interventional Neurology (SVIN) held November 22-24, 2024 in San Diego, California. 

To find out more, click on the video below to listen to the interview (22:08 min). Click the button below to download a complete transcript of the interview.

Anne Staylor with here with SmartTRAK. Today, I have the pleasure of interviewing Jodie Fam, the CEO of Q'Apel Medical. Jodie, thank you so much for talking with me today.

Jodie Fam: It's a pleasure, Anne. Thanks for having me.

I just want to talk to you a little bit about you. You've been in your role since July, right?

JF: That's right.

But I looked at your LinkedIn and you have a long history in this industry. Maybe you could just start off by telling us a little bit about you, how you started and how you got to where you are today.

Great. No, it's a pleasure. It's been a journey and it's an industry that I always am attracted to and come back to. I've worked for a variety of different companies. I think more particular in the neurovascular area in the very beginning with a company called Concentric Medical, which is really the beginning of mechanical thrombectomy. And I have to say stroke and the treatment of neurovascular diseases is something I'm very passionate about.

Even if I've gone to other companies and other industries, I've had some experience in cardiovascular and structural heart and women's health. But I always found my way back to neuro and with Q'Apel, I joined Q'Apel about three and a half years ago and was actually hired to run their international business. So I was based in London at the time and Q'Apel was very successful in the US for a couple of years with their Walrus, their first product. And realizing the bigger market out there to expand internationally, and I really led the charge of getting our international business started. Then, from there, I took on the chief marketing officer role for Q'Apel to really propel us as a global commercial success. As I said, most recently have taken the role as CEO of Q'Apel, which I'm delighted about.

How long have you been with Q'Apel now?

JF: I've been with Q'Apel for about three and a half years.

Okay, so you've been with the company a while, you know the ins and outs, and you've seen it explode. I mean, with Walrus, I know that kind of changed the industry a bit from what I understand. As the CEO, going forward, what are your priorities?

JF: Yes, Walrus was a hit, no question for us. I think it really changed the game for balloon guide catheters in stroke, something we designed from the ground up. That's very much part of Q'Apel's DNA in terms of our product development strategies and what we do. Priorities going forward, I mean, we're still focused on growth ...

Click the button below to download and read the complete transcript of the "Differentiating Devices for Neurointervention" interview with Jodie Fam, CEO of Q’Apel Medical, conducted by Anne Staylor, SmartTRAK Executive Editor, VP & GM of Neuro Therapies.

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Anne Staylor
Written by Anne Staylor

Former Senior Editor, Medtech Insight. +25 years in various leadership roles in business intelligence, marketing, communications, product management, and consulting for medical device industry, hospitals, physician groups, insurers. Registered nurse and former Director of Marketing for a national ambulatory surgery company.

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