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CG 2025 Musculoskeletal Conference: Spotlight on Doron Therapeutics

3/11/25 11:40 AM

Alessandra PavesioSmartTRAK spotlights Doron Therapeutics in an interview with CEO Alessandra Pavesio at CG 2025 Musculoskeletal Conference in San Diego. 

Alessandra Pavesio, CEO of Doron Therapeutics, discusses the company, recent milestones and MOTYS, the company’s placental-derived injectable therapeutic for osteoarthritis, in an interview with SmartTRAK at the Canaccord Genuity (CG) 2025 Musculoskeletal Conference in San Diego, March 10, 2025.

To find out more, watch the following video (4:27 min). A link to a transcript of the interview is also provided below. 

SmartTRAK: Hi, this is Sharon O'Reilly. I'm at the Canaccord Conference before the 2025 AAOS, and I ran into Alessandra Pavesio, who's so excited about her company, Doron Therapeutics.

So, Alessandra, why don't you tell us a little bit about the company and some of the exciting new developments.

Alessandra Pavesio: It's always great to see you, Sharon. I love bumping into you and having some really good news to deliver. First of all, what is Doron Therapeutics? It's a management-led spin-off. We really were passionate about a technology that we've developed with Bioventus, and when Bioventus divested from this program for financial considerations, we were able to negotiate a very favorable deal to actually set up a spin-off company and go raise private capital to invest in the program.

The good news is that, yes, we've set up a company. Yes, we have raised private capital. And so now we are really up and running and getting ready to start a Phase III study.

Big milestone that we've accomplished is that we've been recognized by FDA as an RMAT therapy. RMAT means Regenerative Medicine Advanced Therapy. As such, that means attention from senior officials at FDA that are really partnering with you to get this product to market for the patients that we serve. Super excited.

SmartTRAK: Tell us about the product.

AP: So our lead program is called MOTYS. It's placental-derived injectable therapeutic. It's a biological drug that ...

Click the button below to download and read the complete transcript of SmartTRAK's interview with Doron Therpeutics' CEO Alessandro Pavesio, conducted by Sharon O'Reilly, SmartTRAK Founder and CEO.Download the Transcript

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Sharon O'Reilly
Written by Sharon O'Reilly

Founder, President and Chief Executive Officer Founder, former President & CEO, Medtech Insight, 25+ years' experience in the Medical Device industry in Sales, Marketing, Business Development, Consulting with major manufacturers (J&J, Pfizer, US Surgical), start-up companies and business intelligence providers (Medical Data International, Windhover Information)

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