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Meet The Expert: Kris Flinn, Analyst, Wound Care

2/7/22 1:37 PM

Meet the Expert Kris Flinn Header Blue Shirt V2We are pleased to announce that Kris Flinn has joined the team at SmartTRAK as an analyst in Wound Care. Kris has 20+ years of experience within wound care, including Smith & Nephew. Kris recently ran a consultancy focusing on assisting med device companies with commercial strategies. He is based in England.

Meet Kris Finn:

What is your role with SmartTRAK? I’m an analyst within the wound team, with a particular focus on NPWT in Europe.

What do you like about SmartTRAK? The quality of the information and analysis produced is excellent, and something which does not exist anywhere else. All of the team members are true experts in their field, and have the experience and networks to prove it.

What is something special or unique that you bring to SmartTRAK subscribers? I’ve spent my entire career in wound care, and within that time I’ve worked for and alongside companies of all sizes. Seeing organizations, therapies and brands evolve, grow and sometimes fail has given me a unique perspective on the market.

What do you think the biggest promise of medical technology (in your area) is? Remote monitoring. Dressings or devices with biosensors or technologies integrated into them that are able to remotely monitor the condition of the wound, and potentially trigger the introduction of necessary interventions, could fundamentally change wound care.

How will it change everything? With increasing levels of diabetes and obesity the projected future prevalence of chronic wounds globally is highly concerning. Remote monitoring technology would reduce the requirement for clinicians to manage many wounds in person, and would diagnose issues such as infection earlier.

What are your favorite online websites or resources that you check every day? SmartTRAK and LinkedIn are my first ports of call. As well as this I have Google searches that I check and I read a number of international news sources.

How do you keep your medical device research skills sharp? I enjoy talking to multiple people from different perspectives and then ensuring that I carve out defined time to analyze what has, and has not, been said. I am also learning every day from my SmartTRAK colleagues.

If you could have one super power what would it be? The ability to fly, even on a plane, through a variety of COVID-19 related issues I haven’t left the UK since 2019!

What was the last show you binge-watched? Gomorrah, although I tend to watch more Peppa Pig than anything else these days.

What can we find you doing when you’re not working? I’m married with two daughters and most of my free time is spent enjoying time with them. I follow the ups and (mainly) downs of the England test cricket team and Newcastle United Football Club. When the British weather allows I can be found cycling on the roads, when it doesn’t I use Zwift to cycle in my office at home.

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Topics: Meet The Expert

Thomas Wallick
Written by Thomas Wallick

30+ years’ experience in Consumer and Life Sciences Industry marketing including Orthopedics and Cardiology.

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