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SmartTRAK Life Sciences News and Analysis Blog

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Smith & Nephew Cites SmartTRAK in Meniscal Knee Repair Press Release

7/22/19 1:51 PM

Novostic Smith and NephewSmartTRAK was cited once again as a trusted source for data in a press release from Smith & Nephew entitled "Smith & Nephew meniscal knee repair technology delivers 0% re-operation rate and 100% meniscal healing at six months shows first ever study of horizontal cleavage tears".

S&N's Brad Cannon, President of Global Sports Medicine and ENT, referenced the 2018 SmartTRAK US Meniscal Repair Market Report data when stating that "There are currently more than 1.2 million meniscal tears treated surgically in the US each year with only 15-20% of the cases receiving a meniscal repair, rather than removal."

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Kristina Meyer
Written by Kristina Meyer

Senior Analyst Sports Medicine: 12+ years' experience in marketing, field marketing and professional education, with a concentration on Sports Medicine. Marketing and Sales Management roles at Smith & Nephew and Stryker Sports Medicine.

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