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SNIS 2023: New Frontiers in Stroke Care: An Interview with J Mocco, MD

9/19/23 9:45 AM

J Mocco InterviewSNIS President J Mocco, MD, discusses emerging technologies and new frontiers in neurointervention in an interview with SmartTRAK.

J Mocco, MD, President of the Society of Neurointerventional Surgery (SNIS), discusses the latest research and innovation in stroke care in an interview with SmartTRAK at the 20th Annual Meeting of the SNIS recently held in San Diego, CA. To find out more regarding important research, emerging technologies and new frontiers in stroke care, listen to the following video. (27:12 min). A complete transcript of the interview can be downloaded below.

SmartTRAK: Hi, this is Anne Staylor with SmartTRAK. Today I'm covering the Society of Neurointerventional Surgery annual meeting here in San Diego, and I have the pleasure of speaking to J Mocco, MD, president of the SNIS. Dr. Mocco, thank you for talking with me today.

J Mocco, MD: Thank you very much for having me.

Well, this year I felt a lot of energy and vibrancy at the meeting, particularly when I walked into the exhibit hall, which is nice after some of the years we've had with COVID. One of the things I wanted to ask you is what are some of the exciting research studies at SNIS this year? Maybe you could just highlight some of the key research that is presented here at the meeting.

Absolutely. I have to say this year was truly spectacular. The depth and breadth of new and exciting research and reports on technology and studies. This year we saw presentations on completely new technologies to treat brain aneurysms, multiple leap forwards in technologies to better remove clots from brains and cure people with stroke. Had very robust discussions on systems of care and how best to evaluate stroke patients. Is the current standard adequate? Should we have different methods of evaluating patient success? They're just examples of the really amazing things that are happening in this space in general, and particularly ...

To download the complete transcript of the interview with J Mocco, MD, President of SNIS, conducted by Anne Staylor, SmartTRAK Executive Editor, VP & GM of Neuro Therapies, just click the button below.Download the Transcript

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Topics: Neuro Therapies

Anne Staylor
Written by Anne Staylor

Former Senior Editor, Medtech Insight. +25 years in various leadership roles in business intelligence, marketing, communications, product management, and consulting for medical device industry, hospitals, physician groups, insurers. Registered nurse and former Director of Marketing for a national ambulatory surgery company.

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