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SmartTRAK Life Sciences News and Analysis Blog

1 min read

DKOU Spotlight: Navaswiss - Miniaturized Navigation Tech for Computer-Assisted Ortho Surgery

11/17/17 11:48 AM

SmartTRAK's President & CEO Sharon O'Reilly attended DKOU2017, the German Congress of Orthopedic and Trauma Surgery, in Berlin Oct. 24-27, 2017 and uncovered several new and innovative orthopedic, trauma and spine technologies on the exhibit floor.

Over the next week, the SmartTRAK blog will feature video interviews from DKOU highlighting new companies and products emerging from Europe. First up ...

Christian Calame 2.png
Christian Calame of Naviswiss
: Handheld, miniaturized navigation technology for computer-assisted orthopedic surgery

Download PDF Transcript of Christian Calame Interview

Look to the SmartTRAK blog over the next few days for four more fascinating videos from DKOU2017! They are:

- BoneHelix: Corkscrew-shaped intramedullary rod for fixation of long bone fractures
- Telos: Processing fresh bone allografts using femoral heads derived from surgical living donors
- Joline: “Quattroplasty,” a novel four balloon technique for reducing vertebral compression fractures
- AgNovos Healthcare: A minimally invasive injectable technique for stabilizing osteoporotic hips 

Stay tuned!

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Topics: Orthopedics

Sharon O'Reilly
Written by Sharon O'Reilly

Founder, President and Chief Executive Officer Founder, former President & CEO, Medtech Insight, 25+ years' experience in the Medical Device industry in Sales, Marketing, Business Development, Consulting with major manufacturers (J&J, Pfizer, US Surgical), start-up companies and business intelligence providers (Medical Data International, Windhover Information)

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