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SmartTRAK Life Sciences News and Analysis Blog

2 min read

ArthroFree: The Surgical Camera for the Wireless Era

8/2/23 3:39 PM


In a joint interview with Eugene Malinskiy, founder and CEO of Lazurite, and orthopedic surgeon Dr James Voos, we discuss the world’s first wireless surgical camera, the Lazurite ArthroFree camera.

Eugene Malinskiy, the founder and CEO of Lazurite, and orthopedic surgeon Dr. James Voos discuss the technological and clinical benefits of the new ArthroFree camera, the world’s first fully wireless surgical camera, with Andy Knapik, SmartTRAK's Senior Analyst, Soft Tissue & Arthroscopic Technologies.

To learn more about Lazurite and the ArthroFree System, click the following video to watch the interview (27:05 min).  For more details, interview topics by timecode are provided below. To download a complete transcript of the interview, click here.


Interview Topics By Timecode

1:25 Background of Lazurite and the ArthroFree camera.

7:05 Surgeon impressions of the ArthroFree camera.

10:10 Camera integration, image quality, battery life, ergonomics.

16:05 How the camera connects to the monitor and image capture.

19:22 How do facilities react to purchasing the ArthroFree.

22:05 Uses of the ArthroFree camera.

To download the complete transcript of the interview with Eugene Malinskiy, the founder and CEO of Lazurite, and orthopedic surgeon Dr. James Voos, just click the button below. Download the Transcript

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Andy Knapik
Written by Andy Knapik

Sr. Analyst, Soft Tissue & Arthroscopic Technologies - 20 years’ experience in US and International sales and marketing for the orthopedics and sports medicine markets, including 12 years at Smith & Nephew.

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