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SmartTRAK Life Sciences News and Analysis Blog

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The Future of Arthroscopic Technologies in 2025 and Beyond

By Andy Knapik on 3/4/25 9:30 AM

SmartTRAK highlights the key trends in the US Arthroscopic Technologies Market that will drive growth in 2025 and beyond.

The Arthroscopic Technologies (AT) Market is poised for significant advancements as we move through 2025 and beyond. With an anticipated compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.3%, the US AT market is projected to rapidly expand by 2028. This growth is driven by technological innovations and the increasing prevalence of minimally invasive procedures.

In this downloadable market outlook article, SmartTRAK highlights the top technology trends to watch in 2025 that are shaping the future of AT, including:

  • Continued Evolution in Arthroscopic Visualization
    • The arthroscopic visualization segment is undergoing a transformation driven by technological advancements and shifting market dynamics, increasing at ... (read more)
  • Growth in Bundled Solutions
    • In the AT space, consumables such as resection tools, radiofrequency (RF) devices and fluid management products are significant revenue drivers. SmartTRAK estimates ... (read more)
  • ASC Shift Driving Demand for All-in-One Solutions
    • The growth of ASCs has heightened the demand for all-in-one solutions, enabling sports medicine companies to ... (read more)
  • Growing Interest in Direct Display Communications
    • SmartTRAK expects to see growing interest in direct display communications in 2025. Building on these advancements in integrated arthroscopic visualization, the next frontier is  ... (read more)
  • Challenges and Future Outlook
    • While advancements in arthroscopic technologies are progressing, they remain ... (read more)

Want to stay ahead of the curve in arthroscopic technologies for 2025 and beyond? Click the button below to download Andy Knapik's market outlook article, "The Future of Arthroscopic Technologies in 2025 and Beyond." As SmartTRAK’s Sr Analyst, Soft Tissue Fixation and Arthroscopic Enabling Technologies, Andy provides an informative analysis of the latest market shifts, including the challenges ahead for the industry.Get the Article

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2 min read

Pioneering the Future: Inside the World's First Arthroscopic Surgical Robot

By Andy Knapik on 12/17/24 6:00 PM

Dr. Chris Jeffery, founder and CEO of Convergence Medical, discusses the V01, the world's first arthroscopic surgical robot.

In a recent interview with SmartTRAK, Dr. Chris Jeffery, the founder and CEO of Convergence Medical, discussed the V01, the world’s first dedicated arthroscopic surgical robot. In the interview, Dr. Jeffery shared insights into the V01’s novel design, business model, and technological advancements that position it as the next evolution in arthroscopic innovation. The V01 received FDA breakthrough designation in 2023 and is on track for FDA clearance and a US launch in late 2025.

Click on the following video to watch the interview (59:11 min). A complete transcript of the interview is available here. For more details, interview topics by timecode are provided below.

Interview Topics By Timecode:

  • 00:50 Dr Jeffery’s background.
  • 10:00 V01 overview.
  • 20:25 Performing a repair with the V01.
  • 26:50 V01 cost.
  • 36:10 Surgeon feedback.
  • 40:10 Importance of an arthroscopy-specific robot.
  • 42:40 Novel design of the V01.
  • 44:45 Commercial path.

Click the button below to download a complete transcript of SmartTRAK's interview with Dr. Chris Jeffrey, CEO of Convergence Medical Sciences, conducted by Andy Knapik, Senior Analyst, Soft Tissue Fixation and Arthroscopic Enabling Technologies.

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8 min read

SmartTRAK Insights from the 2024 AAOS/CG Musculoskeletal Conferences

By Elise Wolf on 3/15/24 9:30 AM

SmartTRAK experts across orthopedics, sports medicine, spine and enabling technology attended this year’s 2024 Canaccord Genuity Musculoskeletal and American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS) annual conferences. Held from February 12-15 in San Francisco, CA, these gatherings brought together the top minds in the industry. In this post, we share some key insights and updates gleaned from these conferences, offering a glimpse into the latest trends and innovations shaping the future of orthopedic and musculoskeletal care.


Maxx Orthopedics*
learned at AAOS 2024 that Maxx Medical is going on the offensive to grow its joint replacement business in the US and that the Company plans to launch new hip and knee products in 2024.

Paragon 28*
At AAOS 2024, Paragon 28 noted that its supply chain issues have resolved and does not expect a headwind this year. As a result, Needham believes the company can return to ~20% revenue growth in 2024.

Restor3d reported it currently has 157 active distribution partners calling on ~22,965 orthopedic surgeons and ~18,000 podiatrists. Management noted surgeons will bring difficult cases and from there restor3d can create additional sales opportunities. CG 2024 Musculoskeletal Conference


BONESUPPORT highlighted the continued strength of Cerament G in North America with approximate revenues of $17.0MM in Q323 since launching in June 2023. CG 2024 Musculoskeletal Conference

At AAOS 2024, SmartTRAK learned that OrthAlign’s 2023 revenue was up +25% to $51MM, led by strong adoption of its Lantern next-generation handheld navigation system and increasing use of the Balance gap balancing feature on Lantern Knee. The company noted +37% growth in the ASC setting.

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2 min read

ArthroFree: The Surgical Camera for the Wireless Era

By Andy Knapik on 8/2/23 3:39 PM

In a joint interview with Eugene Malinskiy, founder and CEO of Lazurite, and orthopedic surgeon Dr James Voos, we discuss the world’s first wireless surgical camera, the Lazurite ArthroFree camera.

Eugene Malinskiy, the founder and CEO of Lazurite, and orthopedic surgeon Dr. James Voos discuss the technological and clinical benefits of the new ArthroFree camera, the world’s first fully wireless surgical camera, with Andy Knapik, SmartTRAK's Senior Analyst, Soft Tissue & Arthroscopic Technologies.

To learn more about Lazurite and the ArthroFree System, click the following video to watch the interview (27:05 min).  For more details, interview topics by timecode are provided below. To download a complete transcript of the interview, click here.


Interview Topics By Timecode

1:25 Background of Lazurite and the ArthroFree camera.

7:05 Surgeon impressions of the ArthroFree camera.

10:10 Camera integration, image quality, battery life, ergonomics.

16:05 How the camera connects to the monitor and image capture.

19:22 How do facilities react to purchasing the ArthroFree.

22:05 Uses of the ArthroFree camera.

To download the complete transcript of the interview with Eugene Malinskiy, the founder and CEO of Lazurite, and orthopedic surgeon Dr. James Voos, just click the button below. Download the Transcript

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2 min read

Advancements and Innovations In Bio-Integrative Fixation: An Interview with Orahn Preiss-Bloom

By Andy Knapik on 7/13/23 9:48 AM

Orahn Preiss-Bloom, founder and Chief Innovation Officer of Ossio Ltd. discusses Osssio’s advancements in innovations in the world of bio-integrative fixation devices.

In an interview with SmartTRAK, Orahn Preiss-Bloom, the founder and Chief Innovation Officer of Ossio Ltd, discusses how Ossio came to be, what makes their products different and where he sees the Company going in the future.

To find out more about Ossio, click on the following video to watch the interview (24:42 min). To download a complete transcript of the interview, click here. For more details, interview topics by timecode are provided below.

Interview Topics By Timecode

00:44 Orahn’s background in the medical industry.
03:53 What differentiates the OSSIO product.
07:55 Initial uses for OSSIOfiber.
12:40 Overcoming surgeon objections to biointegrative materials.
15:13 Ossio education labs.
19:44 Ossio in sports medicine.
22:41 Surgeon concerns.

To download the complete transcript of the interview with Orahn Preiss-Bloom, Founder and Chief Innovation Officer of Ossio Ltd, just click the button below. Download the Interview Transcript

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2 min read

Rough Waters: Q422 Arthroscopic Technologies Market Recap

By Andy Knapik on 4/10/23 10:40 AM

Rough Waters for the Arthroscopic Technologies Market in Q4

While some of the significant headwinds caused by COVID-19 are in the rearview mirror, the Arthroscopic Technologies Market was still hampered in the fourth quarter, with worldwide revenues up +2.8% over Q421.

Q422 saw a continued rise in procedure volumes globally which provided growth for the AT Disposables Market, which tends to trend with case volumes. On the capital side of the AT market, capital orders remained strong for items such as arthroscopic camera systems with new equipment purchases as well as an increasing need for replacement capital driving demand. However, supply chain and sterilization issues continue to hinder overall sales growth in both the consumable and capital sides of the Arthroscopic Technologies market.

Among the many topics covered in detail in our comprehensive Q422 Arthroscopic Technologies Market Recap* are:

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2 min read

Current Trends in Sports Medicine

By Andy Knapik on 2/2/23 10:20 AM

Dr. Scott Sigman, founder and chief medical officer of OrthoLazer Orthopedic Laser Centers and host of the Ortho Show podcast, discusses current trends in arthroscopic sports medicine and orthopedic care in an in-depth interview with SmartTRAK.

In an interview with SmartTRAK, Scott Sigman, MD discusses many trends in arthroscopic technologies and soft tissue fixation including advancements in anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) repair with the BEAR Implant, graft selection in ACL reconstruction, the Stryker InSpace Balloon for massive rotator cuff tears, advancements in Latarjet, needle arthroscopy and more. Dr. Sigman is the chief medical officer and founder of OrthoLazer Orthopedic Laser Centers and the host of the Ortho Show podcast. 

To find out more about Dr. Sigman’s insights on sports medicine and arthroscopy, click on the following video to watch Andy Knapik, SmartTRAK's Sr. Analyst, Soft Tissue Fixation and Arthroscopic Enabling Technologies, interview Dr. Sigman (49:55 min). A complete transcript of the interview is available here. For more details, interview topics by timecode are provided below.

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3 min read

Personalized Arthroplasty: The Future of Total Joint Surgery?

By Nick Fitzpatrick on 1/26/23 10:22 AM

SmartTRAK interviews Dr. Pascal-André Vendittoli to learn more about the Personalized Arthroplasty Society and this year’s annual meeting.

Dr. Vendittoli explains the difference between mechanical and kinematic alignment, what he looks for in total joint computer-assisted surgery systems and why he thinks personalized arthroplasty is the future of joint surgery. To find out more, listen to the SmartTRAK interview with Dr. Vendittoli in the video below (14:56 min). A link to download the transcript of the complete interview is also provided below.
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2 min read

Headwinds Persist: Q322 Arthroscopic Technologies Market Recap

By Andy Knapik on 1/20/23 11:01 AM

Headwinds persist for the Arthroscopic Technologies Market in Q322

With most of the major headwinds caused by COVID-19 in the rear-view mirror, the Arthroscopic Technologies (AT) Market showed growth in the third quarter with WW Arthroscopic Technologies revenues up +4.2% over Q321. The quarter saw a continued rise in procedural volumes globally that resulted in growth for the AT disposables market which trends with case volumes. On the capital side of the AT Market, capital spending and demand remained strong for items such as arthroscopic camera systems with new equipment purchases as well as an increasing need for replacement capital driving demand.

Among the many topics covered in detail in our comprehensive Q322 Arthroscopic Technologies Market Recap* are:

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2 min read

Taking a Hit: Q421/FY21 Soft TIssue Fixation Market Recap

By Andy Knapik on 3/25/22 9:28 AM

Soft Tissue Fixation Takes A Hit In Q421

After two quarters of significant growth, Soft Tissue Fixation took a hit in Q421, with another spike in COVID cases negatively affecting procedure volumes. 2021 was a year full of ups and downs due mainly to the COVID pandemic and Q4 was no different. COVID once again brought a new wave of cases, with the Omicron variant taking its toll on Soft Tissue Fixation case volumes resulting in modest YoY revenue declines over 2020.

Among the many topics covered in detail in our comprehensive Q421 Soft Tissue Fixation Market Recap* are:

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