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SmartTRAK Life Sciences News and Analysis Blog

Kim French

20+ years of progressive medical device and biologics marketing and sales experience in orthopedic biological implants, cellular technologies and biopharmaceuticals. Most recent experience includes President, Trilogy Consulting and Marketing and Sales Management roles at AlloSource and Terumo BCT.

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SmartTRAK's Final 2017 OrthoBio Market Financial Results

By Kim French on 4/2/18 9:36 AM

Gains in sports medicine, extremities, advanced biologics and joint fluid offset softening spine market

SmartTRAK, the leading source of competitive life sciences intelligence used by the top ten global orthopedic & wound care companies, has published its 2017 OrthoBio Market Recap and Financial Dashboard.

Despite some challenges in 2017, the US OrthoBio market finished strong, growing 5.3% to $3.46B. Gains in Sports Medicine, Extremities, Advanced Biologics and Joint Fluid countered the softening Spine market and lower growth rates of core biologics. Positive results stemmed from incremental pull through revenue from synergistic sales strategies, entry of new companies, introduction of new products, growth in new surgeon users and use of biologics in non-traditional applications ...

Among the topics covered in the Q417, FY17 OrthoBio Market Recap are:

Topics: Orthopedics
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Regenerative Medicine - Riding a Wave of Innovation

By Kim French on 2/21/18 12:42 PM

Regenerative medicines, the new era of human health, represent a wave of innovation coming to our health care system, approaching much faster than most realize. As of Q217, there were more than 822 companies developing regenerative medicine technologies.

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SmartTRAK Publication Alert: Q317 OrthoBio Quarterly Market Recap

By Kim French on 12/19/17 1:02 PM

Q317 OrthoBio Market: Hurricane related disruptions

Hurricane related disruptions, competition and sales force dynamics impacts third quarter results

By Kim French, Senior Analyst, SmartTRAK OrthoBio

For Q317, the US OrthoBio Market grew substantially, compared to Q316. Both positive and negative developments are impacting company results. Positive happenings include increased revenue generation from synergistic sales strategies, market share capture and expansion of new users or new products. Companies experiencing lower than expected performance report hurricane related disruptions, slow ramp-up of sales force expansion, product portfolio gaps and market share loss due to increased competition.

Topics: Orthopedics
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