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SmartTRAK Life Sciences News and Analysis Blog

Susan Paquette

Susan Paquette, MS, MBA | Vice President and General Manager, Wound. 25+ years' experience in new business development, R&D, international and marketing. Director, New Business Development & Commercialization, 3M Health Care; Technical Director, 3M Medical.

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SmartTRAK Publication Alert: Q317 Advanced Wound Care Quarterly Market Recap

By Susan Paquette on 12/19/17 9:00 AM

Q317 Market Recap Advanced Wound Care 

Biologics and single-use NPWT devices’ strong growth helps boost sluggish advanced dressing performance.

By Susan Paquette, VP Wound and
Lennart Stadler, Senior Analyst Wound

For Q317, according to BioMedGPS’ SmartTRAK Financial Dashboard, WW Advanced Wound Care (AWC) revenues for Advanced Dressings, External Devices and Biologics grew in spite of a weak performance with market leaders.

Topics: Wound Care
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SmartTRAK To Attend Desert Foot 2017

By Susan Paquette on 11/28/17 1:56 PM

SmartTRAK is excited to attend Desert Foot 2017 on Nov-29 through Dec-2, 2017  at the Grand Sheraton, Phoenix AZ. Desert Foot is the Annual Multi-Disciplinary Diabetic Limb Salvage Conference which honors our Federal Services Healthcare Professionals.

Topics: Wound Care
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SmartTRAK To Attend ACS American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress 2017 in San Diego

By Susan Paquette on 10/23/17 10:37 PM

SmartTRAK is excited to be attending the ACS Clinical Congress 2017 on Oct 22-26, 2017 at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, California.

The hallmarks of the Clinical Congress are a broad range of outstanding hands-on and didactic learning opportunities and timely discourse on the most relevant surgical practices and research, along with unparalleled access to peers.

Please look for SmartTRAK's Susan Paquette, MS, MBA, Vice President and General Manager, Wound; Doug Devens, Senior Analyst, Biosurgery; Geoffrey Brown, Director Corporate Accounts, Wound Care. Contact Us for a meeting!

Topics: Wound Care
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SmartTRAK Attends #SAWCFall 2017

By Susan Paquette on 10/23/17 2:59 PM

SmartTRAK had a great show at #SAWC2017! A few snaps from the show below and lots of great connections made by Lennart Stadler, Senior Analyst, Wound Care and Geoff Brown, Director Corporate Accounts, Wound Care. If you didn't get a chance to meet with them at the show, please don't hesitate to reach out!

And SmartTRAK's launch of new module Advanced China Dressings #woundcare was really well received. For a preview sample of the China Dressings module, click below.

Interested in the future of Advanced Dressings in China? Download a Preview of our new Module now!



Topics: Wound Care
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SAWC Fall: SmartTRAK to Attend Oct 20-22 in Las Vegas

By Susan Paquette on 10/17/17 5:16 PM

SmartTRAK is excited to attend SAWC Fall on Oct 20-22, 2017 in Las Vegas at the beautiful Caesers Palace.  Please look for SmartTRAK's Lennart Stadler, Senior Analyst, Wound Care, who has flown all the way in from Sweden to attend the meeting. And it's also a great opportunity to meet with Geoffrey Brown,  Director Corporate Accounts, Wound Care, from Southern California!

Request a Meeting!

Topics: Wound Care
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BioMedGPS Expands Coverage of Wound Care Market with Launch of US Hemostats & Sealants

By Susan Paquette on 10/12/17 8:50 AM

BioMedGPS announces expanded coverage of SmartTRAK Business Intelligence for the Surgical Wound Market with the addition of its newest module, US Hemostats & Sealants.

 Interested in the future of Biosurgery? Download our Hemostats & Sealants Article now!

Topics: Wound Care
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Smarttrak Interview: Dr. David Armstrong on Fat Grafting for Reducing Diabetic Foot Ulcer  Recurrence

By Susan Paquette on 9/14/17 9:00 AM

Reducing the recurrence of diabetic foot ulcers (DFU) or increasing ulcer free days is critical for patients with diabetes, as recurrence rates are 40% at one year, 66% at three years, and 75% at five years. At the DF Con meeting in Houston in March, BioMedGPS interviewed David G. Armstrong, DMP, MD, PhD, regarding his research on the use of fat grafting as a means to reduce recurrence of DFUs. Today, fat grafting is being rapidly adopted in plastic and reconstructive surgery, but is now being explored for care of the diabetic foot.

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Tyler Trapani on Why SmartTRAK is an Essential Business Tool

By Susan Paquette on 8/18/17 11:54 AM

SmartTRAK Customer Testimonial

SmartTRAK customer Tyler Trapani,  Product Manager, tells why SmartTRAK is an essential tool that keeps him up-to-date on  market trends and competitors.

Tyler Trapani Video Testimonial

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Advanced Wound Care Team Welcomes new Biosurgery Analyst

By Susan Paquette on 7/31/17 9:34 AM

Doug Devens has joined SmartTRAK to cover new Hemostats & Sealants area including Surgical Matrices

SmartTRAK is happy to introduce you to the newest member of the SmartTRAK team, Doug Devens, PhD. Doug will be heading up our Biosurgery efforts, including our newest segment in Advanced Wound Care, Hemostats and Sealants; and Surgical Matrices – both Hernia and Breast. The new Hemostats & Sealants area covers over 27 companies and 55 products on a global basis, with several currently in development.

Doug Devens
Advanced Wound Care Analyst, Biosurgery

Topics: Wound Care
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Innovation and Clinical Outcomes Shaping the Future of Hernia Repair

By Susan Paquette on 7/17/17 5:47 PM

Continued Shift from Biologic to Synthetic Mesh

Innovation and clinical outcomes are shaping the future of the US ventral hernia market. Over the next several years, the market will see a continued shift from biologic mesh to synthetic mesh, growth in robotic hernia repairs, and an increased focus on clinical efficacy and economic outcomes data that will drive product adoption and impact market shares, particularly in the biosynthetic segment.

Topics: Wound Care
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