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SmartTRAK Life Sciences News and Analysis Blog

Susan Paquette

Susan Paquette, MS, MBA | Vice President and General Manager, Wound. 25+ years' experience in new business development, R&D, international and marketing. Director, New Business Development & Commercialization, 3M Health Care; Technical Director, 3M Medical.

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Weakened by COVID: Q420/FY20 Infection Prevention - US Vascular Access Adjunct Market

By Susan Paquette on 4/16/21 10:03 AM

Anticipated growth for Q4 was weakened by a resurgence of COVID-19 and was not enough to sustain growth with FY20 ending at -3.3% YoY decline.

For FY20, according SmartTRAK Financial Dashboard, the US Infection Prevention - Vascular Access (VA) Adjunct Products market was down -3.3% YoY, while Q420 revenue was up  +1.2% YoY.

The prevention of Hospital-Acquired Infections (HAIs) continues to drive measures and practices to reduce Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections (CLABSIs) and is creating demand for products that can address these issues. Numerous programs and educational tools are being developed to provide measures and strategies that assist healthcare providers in the prevention and reduction of infection in acute care and other settings.

Among the many topics covered in the comprehensive Q420/FY20 Infection Prevention: US Vascular Access Adjunct Market* are:

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The Impact of COVID-19 on US Advanced Wound Care: An Update

By Susan Paquette on 2/8/21 9:37 AM

SmartTRAK analyzes how COVID-19 and vaccinations will impact the US Advanced Wound Care Market in 2021.

The impact of COVID-19 on life in the US and its onslaught into the US health care system began in mid-March. CMS and the American College of Surgeons recommended that hospitals, physicians and clinics halt all non-essential medical and surgical procedures, including the treatment of many types of wounds. However, the continual care of a chronic wound is essential for patients to ensure it is on the correct trajectory to heal. Typically, clinicians treat chronic wounds at least once a week to assess the progress of the wound, provide debridement and/or apply CTPs (skin substitutes). The hospital outpatient department (HOPD) wound clinics have been the primary site-of-care to treat these wounds but with the closing of several of these facilities during the initial COVID surge, many patients with chronic wounds were not seen, delayed treatment or began the transfer to the physician office for treatment. In fact, there is some evidence that wounds increased in severity since the start of the pandemic resulting in greater use of higher technology products and unfortunately, an increase in amputations.

The most significant impact on the market occurred in April/May 2020 when several states went into lock down and most, if not all, elective procedures were cancelled. SmartTRAK analyzed the Advanced Wound Care market back in April with the assumption that the peak of COVID-19 would occur during April/May and would slowly return to normal in a v-shaped or hockey-stick shaped recovery. However, data show COVID-19 did not peak solely in the April/May time frame ...

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Gain vs Loss: Q320 Infection Prevention: US Vascular Access Adjunct Market

By Susan Paquette on 12/18/20 10:44 AM

Q3 makes a recovery from Q220 losses but gains remain below pre-COVID levels

For Q320, according to BioMedGPS’ SmartTRAK Financial Dashboard, the US Infection Prevention-Vascular Access Adjunct Products market was down -1.8% YoY. Leading manufacturers in this segment hit hard in Q220 by COVID-19 restrictions and elective procedure cancellations reported positive growth over Q2, but are still not at pre-COVID-19 levels.

Among the many topics, including company revenues, shares, charts and expert analysis, covered in the comprehensive Q320 Infection Prevention: US Vascular Access Adjunct Market Recap* are:

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Bouncing Back: Q320 Advanced Wound Care (AWC) Market Recap

By Susan Paquette on 12/16/20 9:30 AM

In Q320, Advanced Wound Care bounced back to almost normal levels amidst the COVID-19 pandemic with patients returning for chronic wound treatment.

For Q320, according to BioMedGPS’ SmartTRAK Financial Dashboard, WW Advanced Wound Care (AWC) revenues for Advanced Dressings, External Devices and Biologics increased slightly YoY.

3M* remained the WW market leader, up +1.5% YoY, driven by tentative signs of improvement in elective procedures. WW Advanced Dressings returned to positive growth, with mixed performance among leading players. US Skin/Dermal Substitute (CTP) revenue rebounded over Q319, driven by a whopping performance by Organogenesis, while WW NPWT was down slightly YoY, with single-use down and traditional devices flat.

Among the many topics covered in the comprehensive Q320 Advanced Wound Market Recap* are:

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10 min read

Skin Substitutes (CTPs) Continue to Push Boundaries in Advanced Wound Care

By Susan Paquette on 10/19/20 3:28 PM

Despite the uncertainty of COVID-19, Skin Substitutes (CTPs) continue to push the boundaries in Advanced Wound Care with impressive clinical studies, new products and technologies, and changing market dynamics.

Despite the unpredictability of COVID-19, skin substitutes (CTPs – cellular and/or tissue-based products) continue to be a hot area of research, innovation and investment in the market for Advanced Wound Care (AWC). This segment is comprised of an assortment of products, including human dermal allografts, amniotic tissue allografts, xenografts, cell-based bioengineered and most recently synthetic type products. Wounds most often treated with these products include diabetic foot ulcers, venous leg ulcers, pressure ulcers, challenging surgical wounds, trauma wounds and burns. In addition, these wounds are treated in a variety of settings that include the hospital outpatient department (HOPD) wound clinic, physician office, surgical suite and burn center. In the following article, SmartTRAK reviews the latest news on skin substitutes (CTPs) from SAWC Spring 2020 and provides an update on investment activities as well as reimbursement and market trends amid COVID-19.

Topics: Wound Care
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1 min read

A Downward Slide: Q220 Infection Prevention Vascular Access Recap

By Susan Paquette on 9/30/20 9:54 AM

Q220 reflects the full impact of COVID-19, driving a downward slide in all segments

For Q220, according to BioMedGPS’ SmartTRAK Financial Dashboard, the US Infection Prevention - Vascular Access Adjunct Products market was down -16.8% YoY.

The prevention of Hospital-Acquired Infections (HAIs) continues to drive measures and practices to reduce Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections (CLABSIs) and is creating demand for products that can address these issues. Numerous programs and educational tools are being developed to provide measures and strategies that assist healthcare providers in the prevention and reduction of infection in acute care and other settings.

Among the many topics covered in the comprehensive  Q220 Infection Prevention: US Vascular Access Adjunct Market Recap* are:
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Major Shrinkage: Q220 Advanced Wound Care Market Recap

By Susan Paquette on 9/23/20 9:00 AM

In Q220, all geographies experienced shrinkage in their AWC revenues with Single-use NPWT showing the sharpest declines.

All companies are experiencing a negative impact on their wound businesses from COVID-19 in Q220, but most are also stating that June was better than April, indicating a strong recovery in the wound market. 3M* remains the WW market leader with Q220 revenue down -14.9% YoY. WW Advanced Dressings declined -9.9%, impacted by COVID-19, especially in hospitals. US Skin/Dermal Substitute (CTP) revenue fell also, with mixed results from market leaders. WW NPWT was down -17.8%, with single-use and traditional devices down -24.2% and -16.4%, respectively.

Among the many topics covered in the comprehensive Q220 Advanced Wound Care Market Recap* are:

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5 min read

Positive Growth in Q120: Infection Prevention Vascular Access Recap

By Susan Paquette on 7/2/20 10:15 AM

Q120 remained a bright spot showing positive growth with modest disruption from COVID-19 for the quarter.

For Q120, according to BioMedGPS’ SmartTRAK Financial Dashboard, the US Infection Prevention - Vascular Access Adjunct Products market was up +4. 4% YoY. The prevention of Hospital-Acquired Infections (HAIs) continues to drive measures and practices to reduce Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections (CLABSIs) and is creating demand for products that can address these issues. Numerous programs and educational tools are being developed to provide measures and strategies that assist healthcare providers in the prevention and reduction of infection in acute care and other settings.

Among the many topics covered in the comprehensive Q120 Infection Prevention: Vascular Access Adjunct Products Recap Market Recap* are:

Topics: Wound Care
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Advanced Wound Care Posts Modest Gains Offset by China: Q120 Market Recap

By Susan Paquette on 6/22/20 11:22 AM

In Q120, the US and EU AWC markets experienced modest gains, offset by ROW (China) hit early in the quarter with COVID-19.

For Q120, according to BioMedGPS’ SmartTRAK Financial Dashboard, WW Advanced Wound Care (AWC) revenues for Advanced Dressings, External Devices and Biologics was up +2.2% YoY. Many companies commented on the impact of COVID-19 on their business performance. Overall, the impact in Q120 was limited, as the pandemic hit in March in most countries, whereas Jan and Feb were more business as usual. All are expecting a more severe impact in Q220, and almost all companies have withdrawn their FY20 projections.

Among the many topics covered in the comprehensive Q120 Advanced Wound Care Market Recap* are:

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12 min read

Unique Biomaterials Opportunity: An Interview with Michael Ziebell of trū Shrimp

By Susan Paquette on 5/27/20 12:44 PM

.SmartTRAK discusses a new biomaterials opportunity for medical devices with Michael Ziebell, President and CEO of trū Shrimp.

Shrimp is the most popular seafood in the US with an annual consumption of 1.6 billion pounds and 90% sourced outside the US. trū Shimp has developed a unique aquaculture for raising shrimp that allows production to occur anywhere in the US, even in Minnesota. Michael Ziebell explains the unique features of the process and its ability to produce a novel biomaterial that may be tailored to meet the needs of the medical device industry.

A transcript of SmartTRAK’s interview with Michael Ziebell is below. To listen to the audio interview, click on the video (10:39 minutes). The full transcript, with a link to download a PDF, is provided below.

Topics: Wound Care
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