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SmartTRAK Life Sciences News and Analysis Blog

Susan Paquette

Susan Paquette, MS, MBA | Vice President and General Manager, Wound. 25+ years' experience in new business development, R&D, international and marketing. Director, New Business Development & Commercialization, 3M Health Care; Technical Director, 3M Medical.

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Healthy Gains: Q422/FY22 AWC Market Recap

By Susan Paquette on 5/1/23 9:30 AM

Advanced Dressings and Biologics added healthy gains to the WW Advanced Wound Care market, while External Devices showed minimal growth.

The global Advanced Wound Care market is split geographically, with the US accounting for just over half, followed by Europe and then ROW, due to the US using higher technology products and their allowed reimbursement. SmartTRAK noted a sizeable shift in market share from Q122 to Q422.

Among the many topics covered in detail in SmartTRAK's comprehensive Q422/FY22 AWC Market Recap* are:

  • Complete Q422/FY22 AWC Market Overview and Highlights
  • SmartTRAK's Expert Market Analysis and Insights
  • All Company News, Revenues, Data, Charts and Shares
  • WW Advanced Dressings: Continued Solid Growth
  • Biologics: Growth Remains Healthy but Dips Slightly in Q422
    • Skin Substitutes/CTPs
    • Topical Delivery/Drug
    • Collagen/Active Dressings
    • Traditional NPWT Performance
    • Single-use NPWT Performance 
    • Topical Oxygen and Debridement
  • Growth Analysis – Currency Having a Strong Impact Throughout 2022

The US went from 51.9% share market to 55.3% of the global AWC market, Europe from 29.5% to 26.4% and ROW from 18.6% to 18.3%. The primary reason is ...

Read the entire Q422/FY22 AWC Market Recap, including SmartTRAK's expert analysis, news, data, charts, company revenues and shares.*

*These links and the complete unedited article can only be viewed by SmartTRAK subscribers to this module. For more information on SmartTRAK, including how to receive a demo and subscribe, please click the button below.Learn More about Subscribing to SmartTRAK

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The Past, Present and Future of 3M Health Care

By Susan Paquette on 1/17/23 9:18 AM

With the recent announcement that 3M is spinning off its Health Care division, SmartTRAK looks back at the evolution of 3M Health Care, its businesses today, the entry into Advanced Wound Care (AWC) and potential new opportunities for the new Health Care business.

3M, a large, diversified company with annual sales of $35.4B in 2021 announced earlier this year plans to spin-off its Health Care business into a new public company. Today, 3M markets thousands of products through four business groups: Safety and Industrial, Transportation and Electronics, Health Care and Consumer. Post-spin-off, 3M will continue as a leading global material science innovator, while the new stand-alone business will seek to become a global diversified healthcare company focused on wound care, healthcare IT, oral care and biopharma filtration.

Download "The Past, Present and Future of 3M Health Care" Article
Among the many topics covered in this fascinating article are:

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A Modern Day Approach for Ordering DME Supplies: An Interview with David Gelbard

By Susan Paquette on 10/29/21 10:56 AM

In an interview with SmartTRAK, Parachute Health CEO David Gelbard discusses the Company and its novel, online DME ordering system for medical devices and supplies that benefit the patient, provider and supplier eliminating the challenges of the ancient fax world.

Parachute Health has implemented a novel, online ordering system that is used for a variety of DME supplies including mobility, sleep therapy and respiratory aids, along with diabetes, wound care, ostomy and urology incontinence supplies. The system benefits the patient, provider and supplier by creating a win, win, win for all and eliminates the challenges of the back-and-forth approval process associated with faxing requests.

In an interview with SmartTRAK, Parachute Health’s CEO, David Gelbard said he founded the Company because his father did not receive an important DME supply after leaving the hospital, causing him to fall at home and requiring additional care. David’s vision for the Company is to establish the infrastructure for DME supplies such that its ease-of-use replicates that of ordering shoes on Amazon or swiping your credit card at a local coffee store. Today, the Company operates across the US at 40,000 different sites of care, from hospitals, nursing homes and doctor’s offices to home health and hospice agencies, and has a network of over 100,000 physicians and prescribers—a number that is rapidly growing. To find out more about the Company and its operation, click on the following video to listen to SmartTRAK’s interview with David Gelbard, recorded via Uberconference (23:35 min). A link to the complete transcript of the interview is also provided below.

Topics: Wound Care
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A Big Boost: Q221 US Infection Prevention-Vascular Access Adjunct Products Recap

By Susan Paquette on 9/30/21 9:30 AM

A big boost in Q2 with double-digit gains in all segments.

The prevention of Hospital-Acquired Infections (HAIs) continues to drive measures and practices to reduce Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections (CLABSIs) and is creating demand for products that can address these issues. Numerous programs and educational tools are being developed to provide measures and strategies that assist healthcare providers in the prevention and reduction of infection in acute care and other settings.

Among the many topics covered in detail in our comprehensive Q221 US Infection Prevention - Vascular Access Adjunct Products Market Recap* are:

Topics: Wound Care
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A Strong Recovery: Q221 Advanced Wound Care Market Recap

By Susan Paquette on 9/16/21 9:52 AM

Advanced Wound Care saw a strong recovery against a weak comparator.

For Q221, according to SmartTRAK Financial Dashboard, WW Advanced Wound Care (AWC) revenue for Advanced Dressings, External Devices and Biologics was up, with all segments showing increases,

The US Wound Biologics market, comprising the vast majority of the global biologics market, includes the very competitive skin substitute or CTP (Cellular and/or Tissue-Based Products) market, the Topical Drug/Delivery category and Collagen Dressings. For Q221, the US market was up significantly, with CTPs accounting for the largest share, driven by Organogensis' substantial YoY gains. 

Among the many topics covered in detail in our comprehensive Q221 Advanced Wound Care Market Recap* are:

Topics: Wound Care
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Wound Biologics' 10-Year Anniversary: My Has the Market Changed!

By Susan Paquette on 7/20/21 8:00 AM

Changing market dynamics over the past ten years has not held back the robust Skin Substitute/CTP market.

As SmartTRAK celebrates its 10-year anniversary covering AWC and the Biologics area, we look back at the market drivers, products and players to see how the US Skin Substitute market has changed over the last decade. We also look ahead to see what is in store for the Skin Substitute market, which is projected to reach $1.64B in 2025E.

The following is a preview of our Wound Biologics market retrospective. The full article, available on SmartTRAK, features our industry experts discussing and analyzing these changes and trends in detail.

Topics: Wound Care
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Positive Growth: Q121 US Infection Prevention - VA Adjunct Products Market Recap

By Susan Paquette on 7/6/21 11:06 AM

A return to positive growth for the quarter, but gains lag behind pre-COVID-19 levels.

The prevention of Hospital-Acquired Infections (HAIs) continues to drive measures and practices to reduce Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections (CLABSIs) and is creating demand for products that can address these issues. Numerous programs and educational tools are being developed to provide measures and strategies that assist healthcare providers in the prevention and reduction of infection in acute care and other settings.

Among the many topics covered in detail in our comprehensive Q121 US Infection Prevention - Vascular Access (VA) Adjunct Products Market Recap* are:

Topics: Wound Care
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AWC Stabilizes: Q121 Advanced Wound Care Market Recap

By Susan Paquette on 7/1/21 9:46 AM

Advanced Wound Care begins to stabilize as in-person visits increase and elective procedures rebound.

For Q121, according to BioMedGPS’ SmartTRAK Financial Dashboard, WW Advanced Wound Care (AWC) revenue for Advanced Dressings, External Devices and Biologics was up +6.2%, boosted by a strong performance in Biologics, with 3M maintaining the number one position in the AWC space.

Among the many topics covered in detail in our comprehensive Q121 AWC Market Recap* are:

Topics: Wound Care
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5 min read

SAWC 2021: What's New in Advanced Wound Care?

By Susan Paquette on 5/24/21 1:37 PM

The Symposium on Advanced Wound Care, SAWC, the official meeting of the Wound Healing Society, was held virtually May 10-14 and SmartTRAK attended.

Following is a sampling of some of the takeaways from the meeting that were gathered and curated by our expert analysts and sent out to subscribers in our Daily Updates.

S&N featured a session introducing STRAVIX PL, lyopreserved umbilical tissue w/ room temperature storage, while also highlighting GRAFIX PL, GRAFIX and STRAVIX. SAWC Virtual 2021

A 981-pt (1,111-VLUs) non-inferiority, comparative effectiveness study of PuraPly AM (collagen matrix plus PHMB) antimicrobial and Theraskin (cryopreserved cadaveric skin allograft) for use in VLUs found wound closure comparable at 8, 12, 18 and 24 wks.  SAWC Virtual 2021 CR-17

LifeNet featured Dermacell AWM and recently launched Matrion at SAWC. Matrion is a human placental allograft used as a barrier membrane to treat chronic and acute wounds – a naturally intact placental membrane to incorporate the full trophoblast layer. SAWC Virtual 2021

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Topics: Wound Care
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A Turbulent Year: Q420/FY20 AWC Market Recap

By Susan Paquette on 4/22/21 10:08 AM

A year of turbulence as COVID-19 affects the WW Advanced Wound Care market at different times and in a variety of ways throughout the year.

For FY20, according to BioMedGPS’ SmartTRAK Financial Dashboard, WW Advanced Wound Care (AWC) revenue for Advanced Dressings, External Devices and Biologics was down -1.9% YoY. Q420 grew +1.0%, reflecting the gradual recovery in the market.

Among the many topics covered in the comprehensive Q420/FY20 Advanced Wound Care Market Recap* are:

Topics: Wound Care
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