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SmartTRAK Life Sciences News and Analysis Blog

Susan Paquette

Susan Paquette, MS, MBA | Vice President and General Manager, Wound. 25+ years' experience in new business development, R&D, international and marketing. Director, New Business Development & Commercialization, 3M Health Care; Technical Director, 3M Medical.

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Q318 Infection Prevention: Vascular Access Adjunct Products Market Recap

By Susan Paquette on 1/4/19 9:30 AM

Growth continues for another quarter as market leaders gain more share.

For Q318, according to BioMedGPS’ SmartTRAK Financial Dashboard, the US Infection Prevention - Vascular Access Adjunct Products market grew +4.3% YoY.

Among the many topics covered in the Q318 Infection Prevention Market Recap are:

Topics: Wound Care
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Q318 Advanced Wound Care Market Recap: All Segments Showing Softness

By Susan Paquette on 12/13/18 1:54 PM

All segments showing softness, lowest quarterly growth rate since 2015

For Q318, according to BioMedGPS’ SmartTRAK Financial Dashboard, WW Advanced Wound Care (AWC) revenues for Advanced Dressings, External Devices and Biologics was up +3.0% YoY, with Acelity, also known as KCI, maintaining its leadership position with estimated Q318 revenues of...

Topics: Wound Care
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Preventing Peripheral IV Failure: The Next Big Thing

By Susan Paquette on 11/26/18 4:21 PM

Products that prevent peripheral IV failures could be the next big thing in the market for vascular access adjunct products, a market opportunity valued at more than $600MM in the US alone, according to SmartTRAK estimates.

All eyes were on the high failure rate of peripheral IVs at the Association of Vascular Access (AVA) 2018 Annual Scientific Meeting, with speakers highlighting the 2015 article by Helm et al. “Accepted but Unacceptable: Peripheral IV Catheter Failure,” which estimates a PIV failure rate of 35% to 50% primarily caused by phlebitis, infiltration, occlusion/mechanical failure, dislodgment and infection. Failure is defined as the removal of the catheter prior to the end of its intended life or before the 72 to 96 hours previously used as a guideline. And with up to 90% of all hospitalized patients receiving a PIV, it is a standard but often overlooked procedure in the hospital.

The primary emphasis over the last 10 to 15 years has been the reduction of catheter-related bloodstream infections (CRBSIs) associated with central line catheters. Driving this focus has been CMS reimbursement penalties for hospital acquired central line bloodstream infections (CLABSIs). This new focus on PIVs could be exciting for manufacturers, especially those with adjunct vascular access products. Clinicians insert approximately 250 million PIVs every year in the US (assuming a 25% failure rate on first insertion), a market that is 25 times larger than the US market for central line catheters...

Download the "Next Big Thing in Vascular Access" article now...

Topics: Wound Care
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SmartTRAK Attending SAWC Fall in Las Vegas

By Susan Paquette on 10/29/18 4:33 PM

SmartTRAK is excited to be attending SAWC Fall 2018 on November 2-4 at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas.

Susan Paquette, VP & GM Wound, BioMedGPS and Geoffrey Brown, Director Corporate Accounts, Wound Care will be there representing SmartTRAK. Please contact us if you would like to meet. 

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Q218 Infection Prevention Recap: Vascular Access Adjunct Products

By Susan Paquette on 9/28/18 12:56 PM

Growth continues for all segments during the quarter, led by top 3 players.

For Q218, according to BioMedGPS’ SmartTRAK Financial Dashboard, the US Infection Prevention - Vascular Access Adjunct Products market grew +4.3% YoY...

Among the many topics covered in detail in the comprehensive Q218 Infection Prevention Market Recap are:

Topics: Wound Care
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Q218 Advanced Wound Care Market Recap

By Susan Paquette on 9/26/18 10:39 AM

All segments experiencing modest growth of +4% to +5%: advanced dressings recovering, biologics slowing down, and single-use boosting NPWT.

For Q218, according to BioMedGPS’ SmartTRAK Financial Dashboard, WW Advanced Wound Care (AWC) revenues for Advanced Dressings, External Devices and Biologics grew +4.7% compared to Q217.

Among the many topics covered in detail in the comprehensive Q218 Advanced Wound Care Market Recap are:

Topics: Wound Care
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SmartTRAK Seeking Advanced Wound Care Market Analyst

By Susan Paquette on 7/17/18 9:33 AM

BioMedGPS, the leader in online business intelligence for the Medical Device and Life Science industries, is seeking an Advanced Wound Care (AWC) Analyst to support SmartTRAK Business Intelligence, an online, comprehensive, easy-to-use, web-based business intelligence solution used by the top  global wound care manufacturers. SmartTRAK integrates real time market data and analysis accessible throughout an organization, fostering an innovative collaborative approach to market strategy resulting in better decision-making.

We are looking for an experienced, motivated individual with expertise in the AWC market with knowledge of Wound Biologics, External Devices (NPWT), Advanced Dressings and Diagnostic Aids. This individual has worked for a wound care manufacturer, preferably in a marketing or business development role. The position is part-time, 15-20 hours per week.

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SmartTRAK Publication Alert: Q118 Infection Prevention Market Results

By Susan Paquette on 6/25/18 10:38 AM

SmartTRAK, the leading source of competitive life sciences intelligence used by the top ten global orthopedic & wound care companies, has published its Q118 Infection Prevention Market Recap.

For Q118, according to BioMedGPS’ SmartTRAK Financial Dashboard, the US Infection Prevention - Vascular Access Adjunct Products market grew +3.9% YoY. Market gains continue as BD moves into leadership position...

Among the many topics covered in the full Q118 Infection Prevention Market Recap are: 

Topics: Wound Care
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SmartTRAK Publication Alert: Q118 Advanced Wound Care Market Recap

By Susan Paquette on 6/20/18 9:01 AM

SmartTRAK, the leading source of competitive life sciences intelligence used by the top ten global orthopedic & wound care companies, has published its Q118 Advanced Wound Care Market Recap.

Topics: Wound Care
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SmartTRAK Cited in SastoMed EWMA Wound Care Innovation Award

By Susan Paquette on 5/23/18 11:38 AM

Susan Paquette, VP & General Manager Wound at SmartTRAK, was quoted in the press release announcing the 3rd Annual Advanced Wound Care Innovation Award presented to SastoMed GmbH by Alira Health and the European Wound Management Association (EWMA) on May 18, 2018, for their hemoglobin-based wound spray, which can be used easily in everyday wound healing treatment as an adjunct to the current standard of care. 

Topics: Wound Care
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