As Covid-19 tightens its grip on the global community, the impact on the world economy grows. SmartTRAK's analysts are constantly monitoring the effect COVID-19 is having on the Life Sciences industry, sifting through the noise to present the most relevant news to its subscribers. Our analysts continue to publish real-time updates throughout the day, detailing what you need to know about the impact the international healthcare crisis is having on the industry at large.
Following is a selection of the COVID-19 updates from the past week as compiled by the analysts at SmartTRAK:
COVID-19 Could Travel in Air Up to 13 Feet
New research published by the CDC showed COVID-19 was detected in air up to 4 m (~13 feet) from pts in a study that tested surface and air samples from a hospital w/ COVID-19 pts in Wuhan, China. The virus was detected on floors, computer mice, doorknobs, bed rails & trash cans.
A report by former FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb, MD and colleagues at the American Enterprise Institute provides a roadmap for navigating through the COVID-19 pandemic in the US and outlines steps needed to start reopening America for businesses and families. AEI
DSM Launches Site to Support COVID-19 Efforts
With COVID-19 disrupting supply chains and causing shortages, DSM has launched a web page that brings together designs and resources for people looking to help alleviate the supply issues using 3D printing technology.