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SmartTRAK Life Sciences News and Analysis Blog

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ASPN 2024: Research and Innovation in Interventional Pain

By Anne Staylor on 9/18/24 9:30 AM

SmartTRAK reports the latest research and innovation in interventional pain management from ASPN 2024. 

Interventional pain management is rapidly evolving. Practitioners are expanding the tools in their toolbox beyond traditional pain therapies to offer patients a wider range of new and innovative treatment options in spinal cord stimulation (SCS), peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS), minimally invasive spine and radiofrequency ablation as well as regenerative and restorative therapies.  

In this article,  SmartTRAK  highlights the latest research and innovation in interventional pain management from the American Society of Pain & Neuroscience (ASPN) Annual Conference, held July 11-14  in Miami, FL. The ASPN meeting has grown exponentially over the last several years and is a reflection of the growing interest in providing more treatment options to patients with chronic intractable pain. (See also  SmartTRAK’s  interview with ASPN Chairman Tim Deer, MD,  ASPN 2024: Evolving Ideas into Innovation and Practice .)
Among the many topics covered in detail in this informative article are:

Spinal Cord Stimulation

  • Correlating Neurophysiological Data to Pain and Treatment Success
  • FAST US Real-World Data
  • Remote SCS Management
  • Data Supporting Expanded Indications
    • Nonsurgical Back Pain
    • Painful Diabetic Neuropathy
    • Nociceptive Pain

Peripheral Nerve Stimulation

  • Craniofacial, Head/Neck Pain
  • Comfort PNS Devices
  • Next Generation PNS Devices

Minimally Invasive Spine

  • Basivertebral Nerve Ablation (BVNA)
  • Minimally Invasive SI Joint Fusion
  • Lumbar Decompression for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Regenerative and Restorative Medicine

  • Intradiscal Therapy

Click the button below to download and read the complete "ASPN 2024: Research and Innovation in Interventional Pain" Market Outlook article by Anne Staylor, SmartTRAK Executive Editor, VP & GM of Neuro Therapies.


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NASS 2024: What to Know Before You Go

By Thomas Wallick on 9/17/24 9:35 AM

SmartTRAK is attending the upcoming North American Spine Society (NASS) meeting being held Sept. 25-28 in Chicago, and we can't wait to see all of our colleagues at the premier meeting for the spine market. To help you get ready for the meeting, Erin Dorgan, SmartTRAK Senior Analyst, Spine, has recorded a video update with the trends, key players and innovations to know before the show.

If you would like to see more of what SmartTRAK has to offer in spine market coverage, including some of our recent articles, or meet with us at NASS 2024,  just click the button below.

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Checking the Pulse of the Foot & Ankle Market

By Natasha Weeks on 9/11/24 9:30 AM

SmartTRAK takes a look at recent trends impacting the Foot & Ankle market.

As the first half of 2024 closes, SmartTRAK has observed a continued investment in the hallux valgus space. New implants and innovative instrumentation for hallux valgus procedures continue to push this segment to the forefront of the elective foot and ankle fixation space. While hallux valgus is front of mind for fixation, arthroplasty is also making waves as SmartTRAK continues to monitor toe replacement and advancements in ankle replacement.

As companies close out Q2 earnings, SmartTRAKcoverage has indicated slightly mixed results in the Extremities space. In this downloadable article, SmartTRAK examines recent trends impacting the Foot and Ankle market. including what's happening with hallux valgus procedures, which shows no signs of slowing down, and puts a spotlight on arthroplasty in the Foot &  Ankle segment

Click the button below to download and read the complete "Checking the Pulse of the Foot & Ankle Market" article by Natasha Weeks, SmartTRAK Managing Editor/Sr. Analyst Trauma & Extremities.

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HealthPoint Capital Investor Day 2024: What to Know Before You Go

By Thomas Wallick on 9/9/24 6:16 PM

The 2024 HealtThe 2024 HealthpointCapital Investor Day is taking place on Friday, Sept. 13 in Las Vegas, and SmartTRAK will be there. Elise Wolf, SmartTRAK VP and GM of Orthopedics, has a new video update with everything you need to know before you go.

If you'd like to see more of what SmartTRAK has to offer in orthopedic coverage, including some of our recent articles on extremities, spine, enabling tech and total joints, just click the button below.

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2 min read

AOFAS 2024: What to Know Before You Go

By Thomas Wallick on 9/6/24 12:39 PM

SmartTRAK is attending the upcoming American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society Meeting (AOFAS), being held Sept. 11-14  in Vancouver, and we can't wait to see all of our colleagues at the premier meeting for foot and ankle. To help you get ready for the meeting, SmartTRAK's GM of Trauma & Extremities, Natasha Weeks, has recorded a video update with the trends, key players and innovations to know before the show.

If you'd like to meet with Natasha in Vancouver or just read more of SmartTRAK's coverage of the Foot & Ankle market, visit SmartTRAK Foot and Ankle Central.

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3 min read

Medtronic: Transforming DBS Therapy - An Interview with Amaza Reitmeier

By Anne Staylor on 9/4/24 9:45 AM

Amaza Reitmeier, Medtronic’s VP and GM of Brain Modulation, discusses the company’s recent FDA approvals for asleep DBS and expanded MRI labeling, and provides an update on adaptive DBS in an interview with SmartTRAK. 

In an interview with SmartTRAK, Medtronic’s Amaza Reitmeier, vice president and general manager of Brain Modulation, discusses the company’s recent news in deep brain stimulation (DBS), including FDA approval for asleep DBS and MRI expanded labeling that allows patients to undergo additional scan time. She also provides an update on adaptive DBS (aDBS) and the ADAPT-PD trial, which is expected to support the global regulatory submissions to commercialize aDBS in patients with PD.  Medtronic recently filed for US FDA approval of aDBS.

Click on the following video to listen to the interview (14:32 minutes). A link to download a complete transcript of the interview is also provided below.

Interview Transcript

SmartTRAK: Hey everybody. Anne Staylor here with SmartTRAK. Today I get to talk to Amaza Reitmeier, the vice president and general manager of Brain Modulation at Medtronic. Hey Amaza, thanks for talking with me.

Amaza Reitmeier: Hi, Anne. Great to see you.

I know that you have some big news around DBS. You guys are advancing pretty quickly. The latest news involves FDA approval for asleep vs awake DBS, MRI expanded labeling, and then maybe you could give me an update on some other aspects of the adaptive DBS. So let's get started.

AR: Fantastic.

What is the significance? Talk a little bit about the FDA approval for asleep vs awake DBS, and why is that important? A lot of people are doing that. Just talk a little bit about the significance of that and what it means for Medtronic.

Thank you, Anne. Well, first and foremost, you know from our prior conversations that we're very focused on the patient and making sure that patients have the best options available to them. While you're right that asleep DBS has been being done for years, it's actually been contraindicated in our labeling. The original labeling for DBS, which was established decades ago, required test stimulation to confirm that the therapy was working. But we also know that ...

Click the button below to download and read the full transcript of the SmartTRAK perspective article "Transforming DBS Therapy - An Interview with Amaza Reitmeier" conducted by Anne Staylor, SmartTRAK's Executive Editor and VP & GM of Neuro Therapies. Download the Transcript

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2 min read

ESMINT 2024: Meet with SmartTRAK in Marseille, France

By Thomas Wallick on 8/30/24 11:19 AM

SmartTRAK's Anne Staylor, VP & GM Neuro Therapies, will be attending ESMINT 2024

SmartTRAK is excited to attend the ESMINT Congress 2024, which will be held at the Pharo Congress Center in Marseille, France, September 4-6. Anne Staylor, SmartTRAK VP & GM Neuro Therapies, will be there to cover the latest Neurovascular news and developments. In this Market Snapshot video update, Anne provides the latest research and technologies impacting the market for neuro intervention, including trends to look for at the meeting.

If you'd like to meet with Anne at ESMINT, or see more of SmartTRAK's neuro coverage, just click the button below to visit SmartTRAK Neurovascular Central.

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2 min read

Advances in Arthroscopic Innovation: An Interview with Stephen Snyder, MD

By Andy Knapik on 8/27/24 9:56 AM

Dr Stephen Snyder, MD, a renowned arthroscopic surgeon who now serves as the Medical Director for Pristine Surgical, discusses his experiences in the industry over the past 50 years.

In a recent interview with SmartTRAK, Dr. Stephen Snyder, a renowned arthroscopic surgeon who now serves as the medical director for Pristine Surgical, discussed his experiences in the industry over the past 50 years.

Click on the following video to watch the interview (58:52 min). For more details, interview topics by timecode are provided below. A link to download a complete transcript of the interview is also available below.

Interview Topics By Timecode:

00:50 Dr Snyder’s background.

08:02 The most notable advances that he saw during 40+ years in arthroscopy.

21:36 Some of the first arthroscopic repair procedures.

33:47 Using advanced technologies such as augmented reality.

39:17 The current state of industry meetings.

45:38 His role with Pristine Surgical and the advancing technologies in arthroscopic cameras.

Click the button below to download and read the complete transcript of the "Advances in Arthroscopic Innovation: An Interview with Stephen Snyder, MD" conducted by Andy Knapik, SmartTRAK Senior Analyst, Soft Tissue Fixation and Arthroscopic Enabling Technologies.Download the Transcript

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6 min read

Controversies in Knee Arthroplasty: An Interview with Andrew S. Murtha, MD

By Lisa Mahan on 8/26/24 12:50 PM

Andrew S. Murtha, MD addresses the controversy surrounding kinematic vs mechanical alignment in total knee arthroplasty.

Since the introduction of kinematically aligned knee arthroplasty in the mid-2000s, there has been controversy surrounding kinematic (KA) vs mechanical alignment (MA) in total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Kinematic alignment in total knee arthroplasty (TKA) attempts to restore natural limb alignment, maintaining the natural kinematic axis and ligament balance of the patient's knee. In contrast, the classic method of mechanical alignment aims to create a neutral hip-knee-ankle (HKA) axis. Advocates for KA say the technique intended to mimic a patient’s natural knee alignment will result in a more natural feeling and functioning knee. SmartTRAK had the opportunity to interview Andrew S. Murtha, MD regarding the growing interest in KA, what is driving this interest and what the future holds for KA vs MA with feedback from Benjamin Stronach, MD, associate professor at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. Dr. Murtha is a board-certified orthopedic surgeon who is currently an adult reconstruction fellow at Houston Methodist Hospital. He is also a member of the American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons’ (AAHKS) committee on Patient and Public Relations.

SmartTRAK: What has been your experience with kinematic alignment in total knee arthroplasty?

Andrews S. Murtha, MD: Kinematic alignment is a technical strategy in total knee arthroplasty that aims to individualize implant position by replacing only the cartilage and bone lost during the arthritis process. In its truest form, it does not place restrictions on the alignment of the components. I do not use an unrestricted kinematic alignment strategy in my practice, but the concept has expanded parameters for what is considered acceptable implant position.

In your estimation, based on your experience, what percentage of surgeons currently use KA vs mechanical alignment?

AM: In my experience, the majority of orthopedic surgeons use an adjusted mechanical alignment strategy. However, there does seem to be greater acceptance for slightly modifying the bone cuts to accommodate the patient’s native anatomy, thus reducing the need for large soft tissue releases to balance the knee. I would estimate that the percentage of surgeons using a truly unrestricted, caliper-based, resurfacing-type kinematic alignment strategy is relatively low.

What trends are you seeing in clinical practice – is KA increasing, decreasing or staying the same? What do you think is driving or limiting adoption?

AM: In general, interest in the kinematic alignment strategy has grown over the past 15 years. This interest seems to be driven by

Topics: Orthopedics
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3 min read

SNIS 2024: An Interview with Imperative Care's Ariel Sutton

By Anne Staylor on 8/20/24 9:45 AM

Ariel Sutton, EVP and GM of Imperative Care’s Stroke business, discusses the Imperative Trial, the company’s Zoom Insert Catheters and more in an interview with SmartTRAK at SNIS 2024. 

Imperative Care’s Ariel Sutton, executive vice president and general manager of the company’s Stroke business, discusses results from the Imperative Trial, what it means for the acute ischemic stroke (AIS) market and the company’s newest innovations in an interview with SmartTRAK at the Society of NeuroInterventional Surgeons (SNIS) 21st Annual meeting in Colorado Springs, CO held July 22 to 26, 2024.

To find out more, listen to the following video (15:54 minutes). A link to download the complete transcript of the interview is also provided below. 


Interview Transcript (scroll down to download the complete transcript)

SmartTRAK: Anne Staylor here with SmartTRAK. Today I am speaking with Ariel Sutton, EVP and GM of Imperative Care Stroke Business, live from the Society of NeuroInterventional Surgeons annual meeting in Colorado Springs. Ariel, thank you for talking with me today.

Ariel Sutton: 
Thank you for having me.

Let's start by having you talk about Imperative Care's presence at SNIS. What's important for us to know?

AS: We’re really excited to share the results of the Imperative Trial at SNIS this year. This is a 260-patient prospective trial across 26 centers in the US, evaluating the clinical benefits of the Zoom Stroke Solution, including aspiration with our Zoom 88 catheters. The results from the trial showed high reperfusion rates of 82.2% TICI 2B+, which is similar to previous studies that were submitted to the FDA for 510(k) clearance for reperfusion indication. There are a few metrics that we think are important to highlight from the trial. First is ...  

Click the button below to download and read the full transcript of the interview "SNIS 2024: An Interview with Imperative Care's Ariel Sutton" , conducted by Anne Staylor, SmartTRAK's Executive Editor and VP & GM of Neuro Therapies. Download the Transcript

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