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SmartTRAK Life Sciences News and Analysis Blog

2 min read

Roaring Back: Q221 US Hemostats and Sealants Market Recap

By Doug Devens on 9/2/21 10:56 AM

The US market for Hemostats and Sealants came roaring back from its pandemic depths in Q221 as procedures returned to normal.  

As surgical procedures returned to approximately normal levels, the US Hemostats and Sealants market grew +51.1% YoY in Q221 according to SmartTRAK Financial Dashboard. Growth was strong across all segments and companies. However, the Delta variant may make that recovery short-lived, as recently observed in Texas.

Among the many topics covered in detail in our comprehensive Q221 US Hemostats and Sealants Market Recap* are:

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4 min read

An Interview with Medtronic's Brett Wall

By Anne Staylor on 8/30/21 10:04 AM

Brett Wall, EVP and President of Medtronic’s Neuroscience Portfolio, discusses changes and opportunities in the Neuroscience business in an interview with SmartTRAK. 

Brett Wall, EVP and President of Medtronic’s Neuroscience Portfolio, discusses how things are changing at Medtronic, his plans for the Neuroscience business and opportunities for growth in an interview with SmartTRAK. To find out more, including Wall’s vision for spine, neuromodulation and neurovascular, click on the following video. (25:58 min). A link to download a complete transcript of the interview is also provided below.

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2 min read

SmartTRAK Announces Innovations Ahead!

By Lindsey Wolejko on 8/27/21 9:18 AM

Easily accessible from your computer, tablet or smartphone, SmartTRAK is the most comprehensive business intelligence platform for the MedTech industry. SmartTRAK's real-time data allows everyone in your organization to tap into the same data to drive strategic consistency and increase collaboration across your enterprise. Need help with your roadmap? Watch the video below to learn how SmartTRAK can help.

Planning to go to AAOS? Meet with us in San Diego to learn more about what's coming down the road, including:

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2 min read

Q221 Total Joints Market Recap: Mixed Reviews

By Lisa Mahan on 8/26/21 9:15 AM

Q221 brought mixed reviews for Total Joints as Hips exceed pre-COVID levels and Knees fall flat

The Total Joints market accelerated sequentially with a return of patients and procedural volume growth in the quarter. However, compared to 2019, results varied by segment, The Hip Replacement segment put in the best performance with the US Hip Market in Q221 compared to pre-COVID’s Q219 levels. US Knees did not experience the same level of success as revenues were down.

Among the many topics covered in detail in our comprehensive Q221 Total Joints Market Recap* are:

  • Complete Q221 Total Joints Market Overview and Highlights
  • SmartTRAK's Expert Analysis and Insights
  • Total Joints News including Revenues, Data, Charts and Shares
  • US Market Growth Comparison Q221 vs Q219
  • Acquisitions, Deals & Financing News
  • New Products Hitting the Stage
  • Q221 Regulatory Highlights 
Topics: Orthopedics
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3 min read

Trends and Technologies in Stroke Care: An Interview with William Mack, MD

By Anne Staylor on 8/24/21 8:00 AM

SNIS President William J. Mack, MD discusses trends and technologies in stroke care in an interview with SmartTRAK

William J. Mack, MD, President of the Society of Neurointerventional Surgery (SNIS), provides insight into trends and technologies in stroke care in an interview with SmartTRAK at the SNIS 18 th  Annual Meeting in Colorado Springs held July 26-30, 2021. Key topics include: 
  • Advancing the stroke systems of care
  • Trends in practice and device use for acute ischemic stroke
  • Risks, benefits and challenges of treating more distal strokes
  • Promising technologies on the horizon, including robotics
  • Impact of COVID resurgence on clinical practice

To get the latest on stroke care, click on the following video to listen to a fascinating interview recorded live at SNIS (13:08). A link to download a transcript of the complete interview is also provided below.

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2 min read

Fueling the Race to Recovery: Q221 Extremities Market Recap

By Lisa Mahan on 8/23/21 9:30 AM

Declining COVID cases, M&A and new products fueled the race to recovery in the Extremities Market

As COVID cases declined in Q221 and patient confidence increased, the Extremities Market was off to the races with a rev-up in deal-making and new product launches. Elective procedure volumes started to make a comeback but were not pedal to the metal and still lagged pre-COVID levels. However, new product launches helped fuel growth in the quarter with the US Extremities Market +43.9% YoY, an increase of +8.2% compared to Q219, reflecting change over pre-COVID market conditions. 

Among the many topics covered in detail in our comprehensive Q221 Extremities Market Recap* are:

Topics: Orthopedics
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5 min read

Innovations in Wrist Arthroplasty: An Interview with Arnold-Peter Weiss, MD

By Lisa Mahan on 8/17/21 8:00 AM

Designing-Surgeon Dr. Arnold-Peter Weiss Discusses New WristMotion System Design, Outcomes and Implications

A new total wrist arthroplasty system, WristMotion*, is being introduced to the US market through Anika's*’ subsidiary, Arthrosurface*. WristMotion’s design is intended to address concerns of carpal loosening by incorporating a dual curvature design feature in the carpal side combined with a dorsal flange to allow for greater range of motion. In July, Anika announced* the first surgery utilizing the WristMotion Total Wrist Arthroplasty System was performed by designing-surgeon Arnold-Peter C. Weiss, MD, at University Orthopedics, RI.

To find out more, SmartTRAK interviewed Dr. Weiss about his early experience with the WristMotion total wrist and its implications for patients suffering from chronic wrist pain. To listen to the interview, recorded via Zoom, click on the following video (15:58 min). A link to download a transcript of the complete interview is also provided below.

Topics: Orthopedics
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3 min read

Studies Demonstrate Benefits of AR/VR in Total Joint Arthroplasty

By Nick Fitzpatrick on 8/16/21 9:53 AM

Computer-assisted technologies continue to gain traction in total joint arthroplasty, particularly as research demonstrates improved outcomes when clinicians employ surgical planning, simulation and navigation. SmartTRAK highlights three recent studies illustrating how augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are being used in total knee replacement (TKR) surgery to improve accuracy in distal femoral resection, train nurses in complex knee revision arthroplasty procedures, and help surgeons lower long-term revision rates in TKR patients.

  • Augmented Reality-Assisted Femoral Bone Resection in Total Knee Arthroplasty

    • SmartTRAK Analyst Summary: A study of 10 resected femoral Sawbones specimens using an AR-based navigation system performed CT scans to measure the resection angle of the distal part of the femur and reported mean absolute value of the error in coronal alignment was significantly smaller in the AR-based navigation group than the intramedullary-guide group. JB JS Open Access. 2021 Jul 23

    • Conclusion: The study concludes “The AR-based navigation system may enable surgeons to perform distal femoral resection more accurately than with the conventional intramedullary guide during TKA.”
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10 min read

R&D Focus on Orthopedics: Patents, Products & Predictions

By Thomas Wallick on 8/9/21 3:46 PM

Despite the looming shadow of the emergence of the COVID-19 Delta variant, the worldwide MedTech industry continues to focus on the future. SmartTRAK reports daily on the challenges still ahead, covering all aspects of the Orthopedic market: Extremities, OrthoBio, Spine, Computer Assisted Surgery, Total Joints, Trauma, Soft Tissue Fixation and EU Extremities and Trauma. We'll be at AAOS in San Diego, and if you would like to meet with us to see what SmartTRAK can do for you, just click here

The following is just a small sampling of recent Orthopedic updates from around the world compiled, reviewed and posted in real time by our SmartTRAK analysts. We constantly monitor the worldwide MedTech industry, sifting through the noise to present to our subscribers the most relevant international news, patents, trends, new products, financial data and competitor developments in the global Life  Sciences industry. 



KB Medical was granted US Patent “Robotic navigation of robotic surgical systems” describing robotic surgical systems with built-in navigation capability & ability to update registration in real time & obviating the need for a separate navigation system. 11,071,594

Sutureless Repair of Soft Tissue

US Patent Application “Sutureless Repair of Soft Tissue” was published describing a sutureless method of repairing soft tissue defects in soft tissue including ligaments such as anterior cruciate ligaments (ACLs). 20210236130

Topics: Orthopedics
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4 min read

Neuromodulation Ramping Up in 2021

By Anne Staylor on 8/9/21 10:00 AM

As in-person meetings start to ramp up in 2021, SmartTRAK identifies the latest research, technologies and trends from ASPN and the mid-year NANS meetings

In this article, SmartTRAK identifies the latest research, technologies and trends at two recent neuromodulation meetings: the mid-year North American Neuromodulation Society (NANS) 2021 meeting, held July 15-18 in Orlando, FL and the American Society of Pain and Neuroscience (ASPN) meeting held in Miami, FL July 22-25. Following are the highlights of the neuromodulation news from these meetings in the areas of expanding indications, digital solutions and peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS) as covered by Anne Staylor, SmartTRAK's Executive Editor, VP & GM, Nuero Therapies.

To read this fascinating and informative article in it's entirety, you must be a subscriber to SmartTRAK...here's how to subscribe.

  • SCS for Painful Diabetic Neuropathy
    • In regards to expanded indications, the biggest news during the mid-year NANS meeting happened on Friday, July 16th when FDA approved Nevro’s* (NVRO) HF10 for ... 
  • Non-Surgical Refractory Back Pain.
    • During NVRO’s industry luncheon, Aaron Calodney, MD presented six-month data on 10 kHz SCS for non-surgical refractory back pain (NSRBP) vs CMM ...
  • Advances in Digital Solutions
    • All the major players in neuromodulation continue to advance patient care through innovative digital solutions and platforms designed to improve patient engagement and outcomes, track objective pain measures and ...
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