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SmartTRAK Life Sciences News and Analysis Blog

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Riding the Wave of Healthy Growth: Q321 Trauma Market Recap

By Natasha Weeks on 12/27/21 4:01 PM

Trauma market continues to ride the wave of healthy growth with positive returns for current players and new players start to stir the waters

Trauma players rode the wave of another quarter of healthy returns as trauma procedures were not as impacted by the rise in the Delta variant as its elective procedure counterparts. The Trauma Market closed Q3 up +4.5% YoY compared to Q320, with the US up +5.8% YoY.

Among the many topics covered in detail in our comprehensive Q321 Trauma Market Recap* are:

Topics: Trauma
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2 min read

Continued Rebound: Q321 Advanced Wound Care Market Recap

By Gary Delhougne on 12/22/21 12:00 PM

Advanced Wound Care (AWC) continues to rebound in 2021 with growth from US Skin Substitutes and WW Advanced Dressings despite weakness in NPWT.

The WW Advanced Wound Care (AWC) market grew +6.5% YoY in Q321, according to the SmartTRAK Financial Dashboard.

The WW AWC market is made up of a diverse array of wound care products comprising the segments of Advanced Dressings, Wound Biologics and External Devices. WW Advanced Dressings grew in Q3, driven by robust gains in Foams, Antimicrobials and Superabsorbents. WW Wound Biologics showed continued gains among US Skin Substitute market leaders. WW External Devices (of which NPWT makes up 96%) was mostly flat due to delta variant headwinds and low elective procedure volumes slowing growth.

Among the many topics covered in detail in our comprehensive Q321 Advanced Wound Care Market Recap* are:

Topics: Wound Care
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3 min read

OsteoCentric Technologies: Optimizing Implant Fixation

By Nick Fitzpatrick on 12/13/21 9:00 AM

OsteoCentric Technologies' CMO Gavin Sontag discusses the Company and its OssiMI mechanical integration technology in an interview with SmartTRAK.

Gavin Sontag, CMO of OsteoCentric Technologies, discusses OsteoCentric's OssiMI platform technology, company growth rates and plans for expansion in an interview with SmartTRAK. To find out more, including why OsteoCentric acquired an SI-Fusion system, click on the following video. A link to download the complete transcript of the interview is also provided below.

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2 min read

Bursting Bubbles: Q321 Joint Fluid Market Recap

By Freddy Buntoum on 12/9/21 9:00 AM

Q321 results were a letdown compared to the previous quarter as COVID-19 continues to burst HA players’ bubble but hopes for a return to normal prevail.

Spring 2021 brought on much relief to the US Joint Fluid Replacement market and the summer looked promising for a return to normal business conditions. However, as more cases of COVID-19 Delta variant were reported, especially in key hyaluronic acid (HA) states, like Texas and Florida, companies were left as though their bubble got burst. Some players expressed concerns that volumes could be depressed for Q421 since it does not seem to be picking up as fast as they projected. But, for Q321 and for the most part, the majority of HA market players did report positive revenue increases in the third quarter.

Among the many topics covered in detail in our comprehensive Q321 US Joint Fluid Replacement Market Recap* are:

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8 min read

Recent Ortho News & Developments: OSET 2021 Know Before You Go

By Gabriele Nichols on 12/7/21 9:00 AM

As a tumultuous year comes to a finish, the orthopedic industry prepares to gather one last time and close out the year. The Orthopedic Summit once again comes to the Bellagio in Las Vegas, Nevada to bring together the top names in the industry. SmartTRAK will be attending OSET 2021 from December the 11th through the 14th. We've put together an overview of recent Orthopedic news highlights to get you up to speed before the meeting. If you'd like to meet with us in person, please reach out.

The following is just a small sampling of recent Orthopedics related news and updates from around the world compiled, reviewed and posted in real time every day by the expert analysts at SmartTRAK.


  • Needham Ortho Surgeon Expert Call Highlights
    During a call co-hosted by Needham, Hip and Knee surgeon Dr. Richard Berkowitz of Tamrac, FL, noted COVID accelerated the shift of recon procedures to the outpt setting w/ ~10-20% of his procedures outpt to increase to ~40-50% over the next few yrs. Needham Ortho Expert Call

  • Knee Market Leaders See Share Gains in Q321
    According to SmartTRAK Financial Dashboard, US knee replacement implant market leader Zimmer Biomet* saw improved market share sequentially in Q321 compared to Q221. Stryker* also experienced an increase in share compared to Q221.

  • OTA 2021 Updates

    DePuy Synthes* showcased their long awaited 3.5/4.5 VA-LCP Periprosthetic Femur Plate*. According to SmartTRAK discussions, the periprosthetic plate spans the femur and is currently in limited launch w/ ~50 sets in the field and full set rollout to commence next year.

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Topics: Wound Care
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2 min read

Q321 Market Recap: US Surgical Matrices

By Doug Devens on 12/6/21 2:00 PM

Procedures using surgical matrices maintained their new normal, with broad strength in both hernia and breast matrices.

Procedures using surgical matrices maintained their new normal, though the resurgence of Delta variant across the northern tier of states may put a dent in the market following deferrals of procedures in various regions as the COVID-19 Delta variant caused more procedural headwinds.

Among the many topics covered in detail in our comprehensive Q321 US Surgical Matrices Market Recap* are:

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2 min read

Shattered Dreams: Q321 Total Joints Market Recap

By Lisa Mahan on 12/2/21 9:00 AM

Covid-19 Delta surges shatter dreams of strong Q321 market recovery

Surges in COVID-19 Delta cases shattered any dreams of a strong Q321 Total Joints market recovery. Postponement of elective procedures in various areas of the US again negatively impacted Companies pushing out hopes for a return to normal into 2022. In addition to procedure recovery challenges, China’s Volume-Based Procurement program that aims to reduce implant pricing may headwind to the WW Total Joints market in the coming year.

Among the many topics covered in detail in our comprehensive Q321 Total Joints Market Recap* are:

  • Complete Q321 Total Joints Market Overview and Highlights
  • SmartTRAK's Expert Analysis and Insights
  • Total Joints News including Revenues, Data, Charts and Shares
  • US Market Growth Comparison Q321 vs Q319
  • New Products Hitting the Stage
  • Q321 Regulatory Highlights 
Topics: Orthopedics
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2 min read

AAOS 2021: COVID Recovery and ASC Trends

By Lisa Mahan on 11/30/21 9:00 AM

What seems to be on everyone’s mind – COVID-19 recovery and ASC trends

The COVID-19 pandemic reduced the attendance at the 2021 American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeon (AAOS) annual meeting to an estimated 1/5 th of its usual number. Many international surgeons found themselves under travel restrictions while some US surgeons were asked by their institutions to forego the meeting. The pandemic also impacted the conversations taking place on the convention floor with two topics seeming to be top of mind – the recovery from COVID-19 and the ongoing move of joint replacement procedures to the outpatient setting.

At AAOS 2021, SmartTRAK spoke with clinicians and industry executives to obtain their view regarding the pandemic and recovery from COVID-19. Although speculation varied depending on individual circumstances,  some companies and healthcare institutions shared that supply chain issues are holding back the increase in business while others are facing regional shutdowns of elective procedures due to the surge of the Delta variant.

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Meet Ray Luzi - Vice President, Customer Success

By Thomas Wallick on 11/29/21 5:00 PM

We are pleased to announce that Ray Luzi has joined the team at SmartTRAK as Vice President of Customer Success. Ray has 25+ years' experience in guiding customer engagement and success with leadership roles at Broadridge as Senior Director of Client Relations and DST OUTPUT Limited.

Meet Ray Luzi:

What is your role with SmartTRAK? I will be joining the team as Vice of President of Customer Success.

What is something special or unique that you bring to SmartTRAK subscribers? My background has been in account management in customer communications. I have built strong relationships with my customers based on transparency and the ability to deliver solutions. I have been extremely fortunate to work with talented individuals who are passionate about servicing our customers.   I look to continue to foster that approach with SmartTRAK.
Topics: Meet The Team
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2 min read

SAWC Fall 2021 - The Return of In-Person Wound Care Conferences

By Gary Delhougne on 11/22/21 10:00 AM

Clinical and industry attendees return to in-person conferences but product launches were limited.

It has been more than two years since the last in-person Society for Advancement of Wound Care (SAWC) meeting and based on attendance at this year’s meeting in Las Vegas (October 29-31), wound care clinicians and exhibitors were ready to be live and in person again.

SmartTRAK returned to the conference in person too and walked the exhibit floor, attended symposia and talked to exhibitors and clinicians to understand the latest trends in the US market for Advanced Wound Care, which is projected to reach
* by 2025E according to SmartTRAK estimates. Two dominant takeaways emerged from SAWC Fall 2021, including the enthusiastic return of in-person wound conferences and only a limited selection of new product introductions.

Topics: Wound Care
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