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SmartTRAK Life Sciences News and Analysis Blog

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What Lies Ahead For Orthobiologics in 2023 and Beyond

By Kim French on 3/6/23 9:30 AM

Market Dynamics, Industry Moves and Technology Advancements 

In 2022, the Orthobiologics Market encountered both ups and downs. Though companies are still reporting year-end results, SmartTRAK feels the Orthobiologics Market finished on a high note. The 2022 challenges, such as staffing shortages at healthcare facilities, supply chain constraints and inflation, may cause headwind in 2023, stifling some growth.

Nevertheless, SmartTRAK anticipates the potential downsides will be offset by elective procedures returning to pre-COVID levels, along with progressive, transitional initiatives by select market players that have the potential to reshape certain orthobiologics segment landscapes.

Among the many topics covered in this Market Outlook article are:

  • Reshaping the Competitive Landscape
  • Shifts in the US Bone Replacement Market
  • Advancements in Osteobiologics
  • Shifts in the US Sports Medicine Market
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Advanced Oxygen Therapy, Inc: The Value of Durable Healing

By Kris Flinn on 3/3/23 3:41 PM

SmartTRAK interviews Advanced Oxygen Therapy Inc CEO and President Dr. Mike Griffiths to discuss how durable healing can improve health equality

Oxygen-based therapies have been used on chronic wounds for many years. In a recent article on the 2023 Oxygen and Energy Market, SmartTRAK expressed the view that the Topical Oxygen Therapy Market will grow at a significant rate and that Advanced Oxygen Therapy Inc* is likely to be the biggest driver of that growth. The Company has established a solid evidence base for its TWO2* system, a Topical Wound Oxygen therapy system which applies cyclical pressurized directly to a patient’s wound at home or in a healthcare facility. SmartTRAK talked with the company Medical Director, President and CEO, Dr. Mike Griffiths, about the journey that the company has been on so far, how durable healing and patient-led home care can reduce health inequalities and why the company has recently entered the Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) Market.

To find out more about Advanced Oxygen Therapy Inc, click on the following video to listen to the recorded interview (27:56 min). A complete transcript of the interview is available here. For more details, interview topics by timecode are provided below.

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Oxygen & Energy Devices in Wound Care: Outlook for 2023

By Kris Flinn on 3/2/23 9:21 AM

With many of the “hard yards” already run, SmartTRAK believes that 2023 could be a promising year for the Oxygen and Energy segments of the Advanced Wound Care Market.

SmartTRAK estimates the 2021 WW Oxygen and Energy Market at just over $50.0MM. While this is not an insignificant amount, it trails far behind other Advanced Wound Care markets such as Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) and Biologics. Last year, however, showed signs that clinicians are starting to realize the potential of these technologies. Here SmartTRAK looks at how some of the existing players in the markets for oxygen and energy therapies may show increased success in 2023 and why some of the leading wound care companies may soon be taking their first steps into these markets.

Among the many topics covered in this article are:

Topics: Wound Care
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9 min read

What's New in Orthopedics Research & Development

By Thomas Wallick on 2/27/23 11:28 AM

In recent years, there have been significant advances in orthopedic treatments, surgical techniques and rehabilitation methods that have transformed the way we approach musculoskeletal disorders.SmartTRAK continues to report daily, in real-time on the challenges still ahead, covering all aspects of the Orthopedic market: Extremities, OrthoBio, Spine, Computer Assisted Surgery, Total Joints, Trauma, Soft Tissue Fixation and EU Extremities and Trauma.

SmartTRAK features curated content by our team of industry experts, bringing the most relevant information and insight directly to you in real-time. Learn about the latest news, emerging technologies or start-ups to watch, conference happenings and more via articles, videos and interviews and Be The Expert.

The following is just a small sampling of recent Orthopedic updates from around the world compiled, reviewed and posted daily by our SmartTRAK analysts.

New Products:

  • NuVasive*

    NUVA spoke about its upcoming product launches, including an expandable Lateral called MOD-EX XLIF and extended blade-fixation options for Modulus ALIF, and predicted that both will support the continued interest in NUVA. NUVA Q422 Earnings Transcripton Seeking Alpha

  • GMED mgmt stated the ortho robot will launch w/ a knee application first w/ other applications to follow, noting it is unlikely that gap-filling joint implant systems would be launched prior to the knee application for robotics. GMED Q422 Earnings Transcript on Seeking Alpha

  • CurvaFix announced a it will launch the 7.5 mm CurvaFix IM Implant, which received FDA clearance in Oct 2022, at this year’s AAOS annual meeting in Las Vegas. BusinessWire


  • SeaSpine*

    7D Surgical was granted US Patent “Systems And Methods For Intraoperative Spinal Level Verification” disclosing the use of segmented surface data from volumetic pt image data compared w/ intra-op surface data to verify spine levels w/o x-rays. 11564752

  • Method for Treating Joint Pain  

    US Patent "Method for treating joint pain" was granted relating to treating joint pain by inserting a bone dowel and BMA into the subchondral of a bone and introducing BMA into the intra-articular space of the joint being treated. 11583402

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2 min read

Total Joints Trends Heading Into 2023

By Lisa Mahan on 2/27/23 9:00 AM

SmartTRAK examines conditions lowering the flame for Total Joints

Procedural growth strengthened in 2022 giving rise to the hope that a backlog of patients created by the COVID pandemic would return to surgery, stoking the fires of Total Joint Market recovery. However, external market forces appear to be setting the market to simmer in 2023 while other forces influence the recipe for success for market players.
An analyst from JP Morgan has  drawn  parallels between the current behavior of the US stock and bond markets and the conditions leading up to the 1969 recession, according to a recent  Forbes  article. Interest rate hikes and high inflation have increased the likelihood that the US economy will face a recession in 2023. But what does that mean for the Total Joints Market?

Among the many topics covered in detail in this comprehensive article are:

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2 min read

2023 Extremities Trends to Watch

By Lisa Mahan on 2/21/23 12:17 PM

SmartTRAK highlights trends affecting the US Extremities Market in 2023

The Extremities Market continues to be a hotbed of activity heading into 2023. SmartTRAK highlights trends that will continue to affect the US Market for Extremities in 2023, including CMS reimbursement obstacles, new product introductions and potential mergers and acquisitions.

Among the many topics covered in detail in this comprehensive article are:

  • SmartTRAK's Expert Market Analysis and Insights
  • Outpatient Shoulder Replacement Growing Despite Lack of CMS Reimbursement
  • New Shoulders May Heat Up Competition
  • New Ankle Products and Technologies May Boost Growth
  • New Products, DTC and Potential M&As Heat Up Extremities Fixation
  • M&As on the Horizon

To download and read the complete "2023 Extremities Trends to Watch" article, just click the button below.Download the Extremities Trends Article

The countdown to AAOS 2023 on March 7-11 in Las Vegas has begun and the SmartTRAK team will be attending...see you there!

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SmartTRAK is Seeking a Medtech Marketing Coordinator

By Gabriele Nichols on 2/17/23 10:26 AM

Do you love working with a dynamic, experienced team of marketing and sales professionals? Are you looking for a position that leverages your industry knowledge and marketing skills in new ways? Do you thrive in a start-up like atmosphere with plans for exponential growth? If you are a current or former marketing professional who has worked within the Life Sciences (especially medical device) industry, we would love to talk with you.

SmartTRAK is the leading strategic advisory and healthcare analytics provider in the orthopedic, wound care, neuro therapies and regenerative medicine markets. Our customers — which include most of the largest global orthopedic and wound care companies -- rely on our “insights-as-a-service” platform for their market research and business intelligence. We are expanding our team by seeking an experienced marketing associate to drive a variety of key marketing initiatives. This person will be responsible for coordinating with the Marketing, Sales and Customer Success teams to increase awareness of SmartTRAK, including through social media, email, website, paid advertising and events.

We’re looking for a conscientious, team-player, who can thrive in a fast-paced entrepreneurial/small business environment. Our candidate is comfortable working remotely and is both collaborative and self-driven. They must have excellent written and verbal communication skills and be able to utilize a variety of marketing tools. Click the button below to learn more and apply.

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Topics: Medtech
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Focus on Skin Substitutes and Debridement: 2023 Boswick Symposium

By Gary Delhougne on 2/14/23 9:33 AM

New products from Kerecis, Vericel, Epien, PixaMed and the role of debridement take center stage.

The 45 th  Annual JAB Maui Burn & Wound Symposium met on January 21-26 with a significant focus on the use of skin substitutes and proper wound bed debridement. Though some clinical presentations focused on chronic, surgical and other trauma wounds, burns dominated the agenda. Compared to diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs), pressure injuries and other chronic wounds, there are fewer burns, but their unique treatment requirements and impact on patients increase the importance of targeted therapies. In the US,   SmartTRAK estimates there were approximately 496,530 burns requiring treatment in 2021 with 40,870 burns requiring hospitalization. SmartTRAK estimates the burn market will reach 513,550 cases requiring treatment by 2026 with hospitalization for 42,270 cases (+0.7% 5-year CAGR).

Treating burns with skin substitutes dominated the clinical presentations and discussions on the exhibit hall floor. A close second discussion point was the role of proper wound bed preparation or debridement. This article highlights new products from Kerecis*,Vericel*, Epien Medical, PixaMedand the role of debridement in wound healing.  

Among the many topics covered in detail in the complete article, which is available as a download, are:

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3 min read

Spotlight on Medtronic Neuromodulation: NANS 2023

By Anne Staylor on 2/10/23 11:40 AM

Medtronic executives Nnamdi Njoku and Charlie Covert discuss Medtronic’s latest initiatives in Neuromodulation in an interview with SmartTRAK at NANS 2023

Nnamdi Njoku, Medtronic’s Senior Vice President and President Neuromodulation, and Charlie Covert, Vice President and General Manager of Pain Therapies, discuss what’s new for Medtronic Neuromodulation, expected market growth in 2023 and strategies for driving growth in spinal cord stimulation (SCS) and deep brain stimulation (DBS) in an interview with SmartTRAK at the North American Neuromodulation Society (NANS) 26th Annual Meeting held January 12-15, 2023 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

To find out more about the Company’s latest innovations, expanding indications and what’s next for Medtronic Neuromodulation, click on the following video recorded live at NANS 2023. (27:57 minutes.) Specific interview topics by time code are outlined below. A link to download a complete transcript of the interview is also provided below.

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2 min read

Current Trends in Sports Medicine

By Andy Knapik on 2/2/23 10:20 AM

Dr. Scott Sigman, founder and chief medical officer of OrthoLazer Orthopedic Laser Centers and host of the Ortho Show podcast, discusses current trends in arthroscopic sports medicine and orthopedic care in an in-depth interview with SmartTRAK.

In an interview with SmartTRAK, Scott Sigman, MD discusses many trends in arthroscopic technologies and soft tissue fixation including advancements in anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) repair with the BEAR Implant, graft selection in ACL reconstruction, the Stryker InSpace Balloon for massive rotator cuff tears, advancements in Latarjet, needle arthroscopy and more. Dr. Sigman is the chief medical officer and founder of OrthoLazer Orthopedic Laser Centers and the host of the Ortho Show podcast. 

To find out more about Dr. Sigman’s insights on sports medicine and arthroscopy, click on the following video to watch Andy Knapik, SmartTRAK's Sr. Analyst, Soft Tissue Fixation and Arthroscopic Enabling Technologies, interview Dr. Sigman (49:55 min). A complete transcript of the interview is available here. For more details, interview topics by timecode are provided below.

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