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SmartTRAK Life Sciences News and Analysis Blog

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The Future of Spine Enabling Tech for 2023

By Shelly Caruso on 4/4/23 9:33 AM

As the US Spine Enabling Technology Market shows signs of blossoming opportunity in 2023, SmartTRAK highlights three distinct trends continuing to gain traction in the coming year.

The US market for Spine Enabling Technology boasted modest YoY gains in nearly every quarter in 2022, showing signs of blossoming opportunity in 2023 as procedure volumes return to pre-pandemic levels. SmartTRAK projects the US Spine Enabling Technology Market will have a five-year CAGR of 25.1%, according to SmartTRAK Spine Enabling Tech Market Overview. Looking ahead, SmartTRAK sees three distinct trends continuing in 2023: the growing use of artificial intelligence (AI), the increasing use of “smart” innovations in robotics and the ongoing shift of spine cases to the ambulatory surgery center (ASC) setting.

Among the trends outlined and discussed in detail in this Market Outlook article are:

Trend #1: Growing Use of AI to Optimize Surgery and Predict Outcomes
It is no secret that AI is here to stay. In recent years, advances in deep learning and deep neural networks have fueled the introduction of a wave of AI and machine learning-based solutions across various medical applications. SmartTRAK reviews the development of AI in healthcare and the implementation of AI-driven imaging in orthopedics and ...

Trends #2: Increasing use of "Smart" Drilling and Haptic Feedback in Robotics. Current evidence remains unclear whether increased accuracy of implant placement associated with robotic assistance in spine surgery translates to improved patient outcomes. Nevertheless, robotic adoption is clearly increasing with market leader MDT highlighting “record-breaking quarters” in Mazor robotics for Q4FY22. SmartTRAK estimates the US Spine Robotics Market will reach ...

Trends #3: : Ongoing Shift of Non-complex Spine to ASCs. During the COVID-19 pandemic, hospital restrictions on non-urgent surgical cases prompted surgeons to take more cases to surgery centers. For a surgeon, ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) can facilitate better economics, control and patient safety. In the pandemic aftermath, published research suggests there is a renewed focus on ...

To download and read the complete "The Future of Spine Enabling Tech for 2023" article by Shelly Caruso, SmartTRAK Market Analyst/Medical Writer, just click the button below. Download the Article

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A Glimpse into 2023: Regen Med Trends

By Freddy Buntoum on 3/31/23 4:04 PM

PRP and Adipose Through the Looking Glass

The interest and demand for regenerative medicine for various conditions and injuries have increased exponentially over the last decade. From January 1, 1990 to December 31, 2012, google searches for regenerative medicine totaled 21,600,000. With increased publicity about stem cells and advancements in cell and gene therapies, biomaterials and tissue engineering, google searches increased nearly ten-fold to 212,000,000 from 1/1/13 to 2/27/23.

Is regenerative medicine really the way of the future? In this article, SmartTRAK looks at the macroeconomic environment going into 2023, as well as some of the latest trends, with a special focus on two segments: platelet-rich-plasma (PRP) and adipose tissue.
Among the may topics covered in detail in this comprehensive article are:
  • PRP Trends and the Impacts to 2023 and Beyond
    • Headwinds in 2023
    • Trends in PRP Clinical Trials
    • Anticipated 2023 US PRP Market Share Standings
  • Adipose Trends and the Impacts to 2023 and Beyond
    • Adipose tissue therapy gaining interest in the field of sports medicine
    • Patient demand for minimally-invasive solutions
    • Adipose-derived cell therapies for OA and Degenerative Disc Disease
So is regenerative medicine the way of the future? Time will tell, however, SmartTRAK feels that demand and interest by multiple stakeholders, along with recent trends, medical and legal advancements and investments is tipping the scale to ...

To download and read the complete "A Glimpse into 2023: Regen Med Trends" article by Freddy Buntoum, SmartTRAK's Senior Analyst, Orthobiologics and Regenerative Medicine, just click the button below.Download the Article

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AAOS 2023: Total Joint Viewpoint

By Lisa Mahan on 3/27/23 11:00 AM

AAOS approaches “Next to Normal” as surgeons and industry focus on solutions to meet the needs of patients returning to joint replacement

If an ad agency had branded the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS) 2023 Annual Meeting this year, the tagline would have read “Getting back to normal.” Surgeons toured the exhibit hall throughout the day not just during dedicated hours. The meeting felt as if it had come back to life with industry symposiums and conference presentations often seeing standing-room-only crowds when a few years ago even the exhibit floor felt like a ghost town. And while some of the large orthopedic companies slightly scaled down their booth space, several mid-tier and small market players increased their presence at the meeting in an attempt to pique surgeon interest. So what was the buzz at AAOS 2023 related to hip and knee replacement? In this article, SmartTRAK outlines some of the key takeaways, including: 
  • Procedure Recovery May Signal Return of Deferred Procedures
    • Both clinicians and company representatives at the meeting revealed to SmartTRAK that they are seeing increased hip and knee procedure volumes heading into 2023. The overall consensus was ...

  • The Move to Outpatient Joint Replacement Continues.
    • Data presented at AAOS 2023 continues to support the move of joint replacement surgeries to an outpatient setting. A study focusing on patient satisfaction after outpatient joint replacement in an academic medical center reported ...

  • Cementless Knee Trend Growing Despite Mixed Results
    • Clinical evidence presented at AAOS showed mixed results for cementless total knees with some studies reporting excellent outcomes and others identifying increased risks associated with ...

  • Assistive Technologies Growing and Evolving
    • Assistive technology presentations and booth exhibits seemed to generate the most interest at AAOS 2023. Elise Wolf, SmartTRAK’s assistive technologies expert, noted the most innovative products and ...

To download and read the complete "AAOS 2023: Total Joint Viewpoint" article by SmartTRAK's Lisa Mahan,  VP Product Development & IT, Sr. Analyst TJ&E, just click the button below. Download the AAOS 2023 Article

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Compression Therapy Trends to Watch in 2023 and Beyond

By Terry Hayslett on 3/27/23 9:41 AM

SmartTRAK identifies the top trends impacting the Compression Therapy Market in 2023 and beyond, including reimbursement, diagnostic aids, 3M’s spin-off and growth in compression wraps.

Over the next several years, reimbursement changes in the US could impact the US Compression Therapy Market, In 2020, SmartTRAK noted that industry participants should expect increased activity from US advocacy groups seeking to raise awareness of reimbursement restrictions on compression therapy products. 

Among the top trends impacting the Compression Market in 2023 covered in detail in this article are:

  • Trend #1: Expanding Coverage of Lymphedema Compression Therapy
    •  In December 2022, advocacy efforts were rewarded when legislators added coverage of lymphedema compression treatment items to the $1.7 trillion US Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 (H.R. 2617). Among many other provisions, the Bill provides Medicare coverage of ...

  • Trend #2: Innovation in Diagnostic Aids
    • The lack of objective measurement of lymphatic function hinders the effective diagnosis and treatment of lymphedema. Lymphedema is typically diagnosed based on a patient’s underlying risk factors and physical symptoms. In some cases, imaging technology such as ...

  • Trend #3: 3M’s Health Care Spin-off Shifting Market Dynamics
    • SmartTRAK noted in a recent article that 3M’s spin-off of its Health Care business could lead to a more focused and stronger leader in advanced wound care. SmartTRAK does not categorize compression therapy as advanced wound care, however, compression is ...

  • Trend #4: Growth in Compression Wraps
    • SmartTRAK continues to track the growth of compression wraps via publicly available data sources. Compression wraps are growing strong in the UK, driven by the belief that the products improve patient compliance, reduce the need for professional intervention and are more cost-effective. The same drivers support growth in the US; however, the US Medicare system only provides reimbursement of compression wraps for qualifying wounds ...

To download and read the complete "Compression Therapy Trends to Watch in 2023 and Beyond" article by Terry Hayslett, SmartTRAK's Senior Analyst, Advanced Wound Care. just click the button below. Download the Article

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Strong Revenue Growth: Q422 Total Joints Market Highlights

By Lisa Mahan on 3/24/23 9:42 AM

Procedure recovery above Q4 seasonality, new products and assistive tech push strong revenue growth

  For Q422, the US Hip Replacement Market grew +8.4% according to SmartTRAK Financial Dashboard . Newer products, implant pull-through from assistive technologies and procedure recovery continued to positively impact growth. Nearly all companies in our reporting universe cited procedure recovery as a growth driver.
The US Knee Replacement Market grew +9.3% in Q422, driven in part by knee procedure recovery. Recovery appeared to be above that of the typical year-end seasonality of patients trying to fit in surgery before insurance deductibles reset. SmartTRAK has heard rumblings that the growth seen in Q4 may be a sign that ...

To read more about the strong revenue growth in the Total Joints Market, including Procedure Recovery, New Products and Assistive Technologies Driving Growth in the Hip Market and Cementless Knees and Enabling Tech Expanding the Knee Market, just click the link below.

* This link and the complete unedited article can only be viewed by SmartTRAK  subscribers to this module. For more information on SmartTRAK, including how to receive a demo and subscribe, please  click  the button below.Learn More about Subscribing to SmartTRAK
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The 2023 Market Outlook for Advanced Dressings in Europe

By Lennart Stadler on 3/21/23 9:36 AM

From new products to macroeconomic headwinds and some regulatory turbulence, SmartTRAK looks at trends to watch for in Europe in 2023.

The European Advanced Dressing Market is forecast to grow at a 2021-2026E CAGR of +3.2%, according to SmartTRAK estimates. The market grew +2.9% in Q322 and +4.8% YTD, impacted by strong growth in H122 (+5.8%).

Advanced Dressings is a market that is spread relatively evenly across geographies, with Europe holding a 43.9% share of the worldwide (WW) market, with the US Advanced Dressings Market at a 28.5% share and ROW 27.6%.

In this 2023 Market Outlook article, SmartTRAK highlights market and regulatory factors that will affect growth in the European Advanced Dressing Market in 2023, including:
  • New Product Launches Coming Back
  • Transitioning to the European Medical Device Regulations
  • Continued Macroeconomic Headwinds in Specific Countries
  • The Reimbursement-Related Threat of Silver Dressings in Germany
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Navigating Choppy Waters: Q422 Neuromodulation Market Recap

By Anne Staylor on 3/20/23 10:06 AM

While the macro environment is improving, some neuromodulation companies and segments navigated choppy waters in Q422

While the macro environment continued to improve in Q422, the waters remain choppy for some neuromodulation companies and segments.  Competitors are making gains on new and differentiated product offerings, strengthening demand and expanding indications. These gains are offset by the residual effects of the pandemic, reimbursement challenges, stubborn inflationary pressures and currency exchange headwinds." For FY22, the spinal cord stimulation (SCS) segment showed signs of recovery by year-end while deep brain stimulation (DBS) slowed on replacement headwinds for some companies.
Among the many topics covered in detail in our comprehensive Q422 Neuromodulation Market Recap* article:
  • Complete Q422 Neuromodulation Market Overview
  • SmartTRAK's Expert Market Analysis and Insights
  • All Company News, Revenues, Data, Charts and Shares
  • Spinal Cord Stimulation Sees Growth Exiting 2022
  • Macro Environment Improving
  • Innovation, Expanding Indications Driving Growth
  • Potential Payer Headwinds
  • DBS Slows on Replacement Headwinds, Share Shifts
  • Q422 Clinical/Regulatory Highlights
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US Surgical Matrices Rebound: Q422 Market Recap

By Doug Devens on 3/17/23 9:30 AM

Breast Matrices rebound and grow modestly as AbbVie’s competitors take over market share. Biosynthetic and hybrid xenograft hernia matrices continue to drive growth in Hernia Matrices.

The US Surgical Matrices Market resumed its pre-pandemic trends, gaining +3.2% YoY according to SmartTRAK Financial Dashboard. AbbVie* and Becton Dickinson* (BD) remained in first and second positions, respectively, in the Q422 Surgical Matrices market. AbbVie held on to its leadership despite  a -4.4% YoY decline, while BD gained +6.1% YoY.

Among the many topics covered in detail in our comprehensive Q422 US Surgical Matrices Market Recap* are:

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Saluda Medical: Changing the Game in Spinal Cord Stimulation

By Anne Staylor on 3/14/23 9:54 AM

Saluda Medical President and CEO Jim Schuermann discusses the Company, the Evoke System and changing the game in SCS in an interview with SmartTRAK

With the US launch of the Evoke System, Saluda Medical is changing the game in spinal cord stimulation (SCS). At the North American Neuromodulation Society (NANS) Annual meeting in Las Vegas in January, researchers presented impressive 36-month data from the Company’s Evoke Study and the Company was showcasing its Evoke System for the first time on the NANS exhibit hall floor. As the first commercially available closed-loop SCS system using evoked compound action potentials (ECAPs), Evoke is unlike anything on the market. The technology automatically adjusts stimulation to maintain precise and consistent neural activation to the spinal cord for the treatment of intractable low back and leg pain. The Company received FDA PMA for Evoke in February 2022 and announced a limited US commercial release in December 2022, calling it the first and only ‘SmartSCS” in the US.

Saluda Medical President and CEO Jim Schuermann discusses bringing Evoke System to market, the Company’s US launch and commercialization plans, the newest generation of Evoke, his vision for the future and Evoke’s potential impact on the market in an interview with SmartTRAK. Click the button below to download and read a complete transcript of the interview. Download the Interview Transcript

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2023 US Hernia Matrices Outlook: Recent Trends and Potential Impact

By Doug Devens on 3/10/23 9:41 AM

SmartTRAK reviews recent trends in hernia matrices and their potential impact on the US Hernia Matrices Market, which is projected to reach $1.06B in 2023 according to SmartTRAK.

Incisional hernia procedures reached a peak in the mid-2000s, with a gradual decline as surgeons performed fewer abdominal procedures and researchers investigated new techniques for closure. While improved stitching for closure has had mixed results, surgeons are trying other new approaches to reduce incisional hernias such as MSI’s DuraMesh* and Deep Blue Medical’s T-line mesh* which are being used prophylactically.

In this Market Outlook article, we cover in detail:

  • Synthetic Matrices Poised for Slow Down
  • Alternatives to Synthetic Matrices Gaining Favor
    • Xenograft Matrices
    • Resorbable Meshes
    • Reinforced Xenograft Matrices
  • Expert Analysis and Conclusions
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