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SmartTRAK Life Sciences News and Analysis Blog

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STIMVIEW XT: A New Approach to DBS Programming

By Anne Staylor on 7/7/22 9:30 AM

Rafael Carbunaru, PhD, Boston Scientific’s VP of R&D, discusses DBS therapy and STIMVIEW XT, the Company’s new advanced visualization software for DBS programming, in an in-depth interview with SmartTRAK at INS 2022

Rafael Carbunaru, PhD, vice president of research and development for Boston Scientific (BSX), discusses deep brain stimulation (DBS) and STIMVIEW XT, the Company’s new advanced visualization software for DBS programming in an in-depth interview with SmartTRAK at the International Neuromodulation Society (INS) World Congress in Barcelona, Spain held May 21-26.

Used with the Vercise Genus DBS portfolio and developed in collaboration with Brainlab, STIMVIEW XT uses patient-specific 3D visualization of patient anatomy and enables clinicians to see, shape and steer DBS therapy using point-and-click interface designed to simplify programming, save time and better personalize therapy.

To find out more about STIMVIEW XT, DBS workflows and BSX’s vision for DBS, click on the following video to listen to the interview recorded live at INS 2022 (45:16 min). For more details, interview topics by timecode are provided below. A link to download a complete transcript of the interview is also available below.

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1 min read

SmartTRAK Reports from Paris: EWMA 2022

By Lennart Stadler on 7/5/22 9:30 AM

SmartTRAK reports that challenging conditions lead to minimal innovation in Paris.

It was third time lucky for the approximately 3,500 attendees of the 2022 European Wound Management Association (EWMA) conference in Paris. Although not yet back to a pre-pandemic number of participants, it was encouraging to see an international presence without the barrier of COVID-19 restrictions. Previous dates in 2020 and early 2022 fell to the pandemic, so great credit goes to the organizers and exhibitors for persevering and delivering a positive and engaging event.

Among the many topics covered in this SmartTRAK perspective article, which you can download here, are:

  • MDR Consuming R&D Resources
  • Clouds over Germany - Is There a Silver Lining?
  • Establishing a European Foothold
  • The Trend in Using Fewer Layers in Compress
Topics: Wound Care
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2 min read

A Bumpy Ride: Q122 Spinal Cord Stimulation Market Recap

By Anne Staylor on 6/30/22 9:30 AM

Q122 SCS Market revenues were up in the low-single digit YoY, but pandemic-related issues made it a bumpy ride

For Q122, the spinal cord stimulation (SCS) market was up in the low-single digits YoY in both the US and WW, but pandemic-related issues made it a bumpy ride. The market was down from pre-pandemic levels for most competitors, still weakened by pandemic disruption, staffing issues and a limping recovery. 

Among the many topics covered in detail in our comprehensive Q122 Spinal Cord Stimulation Market Recap* are:

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2 min read

Alternative Posterior Fixation: An Interview with Rick Simmons at ISASS 2022

By Courtney Sheedy on 6/28/22 9:30 AM

Spinal Elements provides an in-depth look at the Company’s novel Karma Fixation System and what’s next for the technology at ISASS 2022

Spinal Elements Chief Marketing Officer Rick Simmons provides SmartTRAK an indepth look at the Company’s Karma Fixation System, a low-profile alternative to traditional pedicle screw technology, at the International Society of the Advancement for Spinal Surgery (ISASS) 2022 Annual Conference held June 1-4 in the Bahamas. Karma implants consist of a high-performance polymer, enabling an almost completely radiolucent approach to stabilizing the lumbar spine, as an adjunct to fusion and are designed to engage more predictably strong cortical bone. Click on the following video to find out more and see a demonstration of the current technology (7:00 min).

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New Product Offerings in a Busy Quarter: Q122 Extremities Market Recap

By Lisa Mahan on 6/24/22 9:27 AM

The return of elective procedure volumes, new product offerings and a busy first quarter of acquisitions all supported healthy growth for the Extremities Market

While growth drivers varied for specific companies in Q122, the return of elective procedure volumes helped drive double-digit growth for several market players. Stryker*, the Extremities Market leader, benefited from the return of elective procedures in the US. Its US Foot & Ankle and Upper Extremities business segments contributed to the Company’s US Trauma & Extremities growth during the quarter. Stryker also noted during its earnings call that ...

Among the many topics covered in detail in our comprehensive Q122 Extremities Market Recap* are:

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2 min read

Soft Tissue Fixation Rebounds: Q122 Market Recap

By Andy Knapik on 6/22/22 11:10 AM

Soft Tissue Fixation Rebounds in Q122

After a slow end to 2021, Soft Tissue Fixation bounced back with procedure volumes rebounding in the first quarter of 2022. With 2021 being a year of ups and downs due to the COVID pandemic, staffing shortages and supply chain issues, the start of 2022 looked to be no different. However, even though the quarter started off a bit sluggish, it picked up steam quickly and ended on a positive note with worldwide Soft Tissue Fixation revenues up +7.5% over Q121.

Among the many topics covered in detail in our comprehensive Q122 Soft Tissue Fixation Market Recap* are:

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3 min read

Opportunities in Neuromodulation: Abbott at INS 2022

By Anne Staylor on 6/20/22 10:11 AM

Ryan Lakin, Abbott DVP of R&D, discusses opportunities in neuromodulation in an interview with SmartTRAK at INS 2022

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2 min read

Revenues on the Rise: Q122 US Surgical Matrices Market Recap

By Doug Devens on 6/17/22 12:34 PM

Surgical matrices procedures appear back to near pre-pandemic levels, with revenues on the rise

With elective procedures in the United States mostly back at pre-pandemic levels, the US Surgical Matrices Market returned to what had been normal growth in Q122, gaining +5.7% YoY according to SmartTRAK Financial Dashboard. AbbVie* continued to lead the Surgical Matrices Market, though it was approximately flat, while Becton Dickinson* (BD) grew strongly.

Among the many topics covered in detail in our comprehensive Q122 US Surgical Matrices Market Recap* are:

Topics: Wound Care
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2 min read

Moving Past COVID: Q122 WW Advanced Wound Care Market Recap

By Gary Delhougne on 6/16/22 9:38 AM

WW Advanced Wound Care growth settles to a traditional mid-single digit growth rate as global wound care moves past COVID-19.

Topics: Wound Care
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2 min read

The Effect of Clinical Trial Investment On Hernia Matrices Revenues

By Doug Devens on 6/14/22 9:30 AM

SmartTRAK investigates recent trends in hernia repair clinical trials and how these trends relate to competition in the hernia repair market. Using a new SmartTRAK tool to analyze data in clinicaltrials.gov, SmartTRAK describes shifting trends in hernia repair research with company-sponsored studies and randomized controlled trials (RCTs)

Topics: Wound Care
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