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SmartTRAK Life Sciences News and Analysis Blog

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New Spine Enabling Technologies: Q122 CAS Spine Market Recap

By Shelly Caruso on 8/5/22 12:15 PM

Although revenues still show signs of COVID-19 impact, robotic procedures and implant pull-through accelerate, and companies continue roll out new spine enabling technology and strategize how to maximize the remainder of 2022.

The Q122 WW CAS Spine Market was up year-over-year according to SmartTRAK Financial DashboardMedtronic* (MDT) remained the market leader with 59.5% share, followed by Globus* (GMED) and other enabling tech competitors, including Stryker* (SYK) and Brainlab*

Among the many topics covered in detail in our comprehensive Q122 CAS Spine Market Recap* are:

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2 min read

The Future of Biosensors and Smart Dressings in Wound Care Diagnostics

By Kris Flinn on 8/2/22 9:30 AM

Could biosensors and smart dressings be the final frontier in wound diagnostics? SmartTRAK explores the current progress of this market and how it could develop.

It has been 15 years since the World Union of Wound Healing Societies’ Initiative published a consensus document entitled “Diagnostics and Wounds.” Since then, the clinical practice around assessing and diagnosing wounds has not evolved at the same rate as that of treatments. At the same time, the need for improved wound diagnostics has never been greater given burgeoning chronic wound numbers and the continued shift of wound care services to the outpatient setting.

Could the next area of development be that of biosensors and smart dressings? SmartTRAK believes there is increasing evidence that this could be the case. In this article, we explore the developments that are taking place, how the identification of infection biomarkers may be lucrative and ways the market may change in the coming years.

Among the many topics discussed in this article are:

Topics: Wound Care
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Healthy Growth w/ Mixed Results: Q122 Trauma Market Recap

By Natasha Weeks on 7/28/22 9:30 AM

Despite mixed results from Trauma players, the segment experienced healthy growth as mergers and acquisitions were plentiful and regulatory clearances show promise of future new product introductions.

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6 min read

Diagnostic and Digital Devices on Display: WOCNext 2022

By Gary Delhougne on 7/25/22 10:21 AM

Emerging from the COVID-19 era, wound care innovation is driven by small players, especially in the digital and diagnostic spaces

In June, wound, ostomy and continence-focused nurses, and supporting industry gathered in Fort Worth, TX for the hybrid WOCNext 2022 conference. In-person attendance was below expectations, but healthy booth time allowed for product discussions with exhibitors.

SmartTRAK observed that product innovation at WOCNext came from smaller companies and those focused on digital and diagnostic solutions not large manufacturers like Smith+Nephew*, 3M* or Mölnlycke*SmartTRAK learned that the large manufacturers are not launching new products for multiple reasons, including supply chain limitations, access to raw materials and the confidence to be able to supply enough products to serve the market.

SmartTRAK is closely watching advances and innovation in the digital and diagnostic space in wound care. Specifically, SmartTRAK Analyst Kris Flinn recently published an article, "The Future of Biosensors and Smart Dressings in Wound Care Diagnostics", available here, highlighting developments in diagnostic biosensors in smart dressings. Additionally, in an early 2022 interview with reimbursement expert Kathleen Schaum, we learned about reimbursement trends that support the development and use of these products. 

Outlined below are several wound diagnostic and digital products prominently highlighted at WOCN.

Topics: Wound Care
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2 min read

Trends in Neurovascular Innovation 2022

By Shelly Caruso on 7/21/22 9:30 AM

Improved aspiration systems, large-bore catheters, balloon-guide catheters and radial access top the list of neurovascular device trends that will continue in 2022.

In the market for mechanical thrombectomy devices, the pace of innovation shows no signs of slowing down in 2022. Manufacturers are designing neurointerventional devices with an eye toward improving first-pass effect, recanalization rates and reducing procedure times to ultimately improve patient outcomes In this article, SmartTRAK highlights recent trends in neurovascular technologies, including variable pressure aspiration systems, large-bore catheters (LBCs), balloon-guide catheters (BGCs) and radial access, as key areas of innovation moving into 2022.

Along with the recent trends in neurovascular technologies, the following topics are covered in detail in this article, which is available for download here:

  • Outgrowing Standard Aspiration Systems
  • Continued Trend Toward Large-Bore Catheters for Access and Aspiration
  • New Designs and Applications for Balloon-Guide Catheters
  • Increasing Competition in Radial Access
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2 min read

SmartTRAK Tip: How to Discover Gaps in your Company's Portfolio

By Thomas Wallick on 7/18/22 9:30 AM

Imagine if you could…
  • See gaps in your product portfolio vs your competitors’ 
  • Discover your next acquisition candidate
  • Find a distribution partner

…in just a few clicks!

BE THE EXPERT who fills in the gaps in your company's portfolio! Read on to view a "How To" video and learn how to outperform your peers and competitors by saving yourself HOURS of research with just ONE search.

That’s the power of SmartTRAK!

For example…

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2 min read

Ending on a Bright Note: Q122 OrthoBio Market Recap

By James Petricek on 7/14/22 9:30 AM

Q122 started slow but ended on a bright note as COVID-19 concerns faded and surgical volumes approached pre-pandemic levels.

Virtually all orthopedic/spine companies experienced the same pattern with elective procedures during the quarter. In general, elective procedure case counts were pressured in January through the beginning of February as a surge in COVID-19 cases impacted patients and contributed to staffing shortages at healthcare facilities. However, by the end of the quarter elective procedures approached or returned to pre-COVID levels.

Among the many topics covered in detail in our comprehensive Q122 OrthoBio Market Recap* are:

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3 min read

Partnering for Success in Neurovascular: Wallaby Medical

By Anne Staylor on 7/12/22 9:30 AM

Wallaby Medical CEO and founder Michael Alper discusses the Company’s recent acquisition of phenox GmBH and positioning the Company for success in an interview with SmartTRAK

With no overlap from a product or geographic perspective, Wallaby Medical’s recent acquisition of phenox GmBH was a “match made in heaven” according to Wallaby’s CEO and founder Michael Alper. In an interview with SmartTRAK, Alper discusses the acquisition, company synergies, complementary channels and the Company’s strategies for global expansion and becoming a leader in the market for neurovascular intervention.

To find out more, including details about the acquisition, the Company and its key products and markets, click on the following video to listen to the interview recorded via Zoom (21:07 min). A link to download the complete transcript of the interview is also provided below.

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2 min read

Springing Back: Q122 US Joint Fluid Replacement Market Recap

By Freddy Buntoum on 7/8/22 9:30 AM

US Viscosupplementation Market players march on the positive momentum of Q421 and Q122, putting the spring back into their steps.

For Q122, US Joint Fluid Replacement market players continued on a running growth, which did not seem too disrupted by the COVID Omicron variant. Furthermore, some players shared that despite physicians’ offices not yet running at 100% levels, company sales representatives were able to hold face-to-face visits and secure new orders.

Among the many topics covered in detail in our comprehensive Q122 US Joint Fluid Replacement Market Recap* are:

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3 min read

STIMVIEW XT: A New Approach to DBS Programming

By Anne Staylor on 7/7/22 9:30 AM

Rafael Carbunaru, PhD, Boston Scientific’s VP of R&D, discusses DBS therapy and STIMVIEW XT, the Company’s new advanced visualization software for DBS programming, in an in-depth interview with SmartTRAK at INS 2022

Rafael Carbunaru, PhD, vice president of research and development for Boston Scientific (BSX), discusses deep brain stimulation (DBS) and STIMVIEW XT, the Company’s new advanced visualization software for DBS programming in an in-depth interview with SmartTRAK at the International Neuromodulation Society (INS) World Congress in Barcelona, Spain held May 21-26.

Used with the Vercise Genus DBS portfolio and developed in collaboration with Brainlab, STIMVIEW XT uses patient-specific 3D visualization of patient anatomy and enables clinicians to see, shape and steer DBS therapy using point-and-click interface designed to simplify programming, save time and better personalize therapy.

To find out more about STIMVIEW XT, DBS workflows and BSX’s vision for DBS, click on the following video to listen to the interview recorded live at INS 2022 (45:16 min). For more details, interview topics by timecode are provided below. A link to download a complete transcript of the interview is also available below.

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