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SmartTRAK Life Sciences News and Analysis Blog

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ArthroFree: The Surgical Camera for the Wireless Era

By Andy Knapik on 8/2/23 3:39 PM

In a joint interview with Eugene Malinskiy, founder and CEO of Lazurite, and orthopedic surgeon Dr James Voos, we discuss the world’s first wireless surgical camera, the Lazurite ArthroFree camera.

Eugene Malinskiy, the founder and CEO of Lazurite, and orthopedic surgeon Dr. James Voos discuss the technological and clinical benefits of the new ArthroFree camera, the world’s first fully wireless surgical camera, with Andy Knapik, SmartTRAK's Senior Analyst, Soft Tissue & Arthroscopic Technologies.

To learn more about Lazurite and the ArthroFree System, click the following video to watch the interview (27:05 min).  For more details, interview topics by timecode are provided below. To download a complete transcript of the interview, click here.


Interview Topics By Timecode

1:25 Background of Lazurite and the ArthroFree camera.

7:05 Surgeon impressions of the ArthroFree camera.

10:10 Camera integration, image quality, battery life, ergonomics.

16:05 How the camera connects to the monitor and image capture.

19:22 How do facilities react to purchasing the ArthroFree.

22:05 Uses of the ArthroFree camera.

To download the complete transcript of the interview with Eugene Malinskiy, the founder and CEO of Lazurite, and orthopedic surgeon Dr. James Voos, just click the button below. Download the Transcript

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9 min read

What's New in the Neurovascular Market

By Anne Staylor on 8/1/23 9:53 AM

SmartTRAK constantly monitors the worldwide MedTech industry, sifting through the noise to present to our subscribers the most relevant international news, trends, new products, patents, financial data and competitor developments in the global Life Sciences industry. Contact Us if you'd like to learn how to receive these expert insights daily. Our users think it's the perfect way to start their day.

The following is just a small sampling of recent Neurovascular market updates from around the world compiled, reviewed and posted daily by our SmartTRAK analysts.

New Products:

  • ZOOM* - Imperative Care* 

    Imperative Care announced the completion of first cases using the recently FDA-cleared Zoom 88 Support catheter. One of the cases was an AIS patient with a tandem occlusion treated at Erlanger Health System in Chattanooga, TN. SmartTRAK reported FDA clearance of the device on Jun 15.

  •  MicroPort NeuroTech announced in May 2023 that it has completed the first clinical implantation of its NUMEN Detachable Embolization Coil for neurovascular aneurysm treatment in both the UK and Ireland.

  • EOSolutions Launches Dr. Banner BGC

     EOSolutions announced the full commercial launch of its Dr. Banner, Balloon Guide Catheter (BGC), developed in collaboration with InNeuroCo. According to the Company, the BGC features a 0.091 ID, proximal stability, distal trackability and a compliant polyurethane balloon.


  • phenox*

    phenox GmbH’s US Patent Application “Insertion System For Implants For Treatment Of Bifurcation Aneurysms” was published disclosing a Y-shaped tubular implant and Y-shaped insertion catheter for bifurcation aneurysm treatment. 20230233347

  • Aspiration Catheter with an Adjustable Tip

    The Univ of Toledo’s US Patent Application “Aspiration Catheter With An Adjustable Tip For The Intracranial Circulation” was published disclosing a neurovascular aspiration catheter with an adjustable tip controlled by pull wires. 20230233221

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Topics: Neurovascular
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2 min read

Fingers Crossed for a Market Recovery: Q123 Neuromodulation Market Recap

By Anne Staylor on 7/28/23 9:23 AM

Neuromodulation companies are keeping their fingers crossed that the positive growth in Q123 is a sign that market recovery is well underway.  

With three of the four top neuromodulation companies reporting high-single-digit (HSD) growth in Q123, manufacturers are keeping their fingers crossed that market recovery is well underway. The impact of COVID has lessened significantly and several manufacturers reported that near-term improvement in healthcare staffing levels and post-COVID demand helped drive strong underlying procedure volumes in Q123. Competitors are also seeing gains on new and differentiated product offerings and expanded indications.

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CMS Proposed Rule Incentivizes Home Use of Disposable NPWT

By Terry Hayslett on 7/25/23 9:30 AM

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) projects Medicare home health spending in the US will grow at an 8-year (2023-2031) CAGR of +8.6% compared to +7.4% for hospital expenditures. These projections help validate that healthcare services are shifting to the home care setting. The migration is driven by efforts to reduce costs, improve access and enhance the quality of care. Policymakers continue to manipulate reimbursement formulas to incentivize change. CMS recently released the CY 2024 Home Health Prospective Payment System (PPS) Proposed Rule that includes reimbursement policy revisions that could potentially increase the utilization of disposable negative pressure wound therapy (dNPWT) in the home health setting. This free downloadable article highlights:

  • The Trajectory of dNPWT,
  • Historical Challenges Associated with the Uptake in the Home Setting
  • Incremental Policy Efforts Designed to Mitigate Those Challenges
  • Billing Complexity Stalling Growth
  • Incremental Changes Show Progress
  • Impact of Proposed Policy Changes. 

With the establishment of a separate payment for the dNPWT and the relatively simpler billing processes, the proposed CMS changes are a net positive for manufacturers treating wounds in the home health setting. However, given the growing competition ...

To download the complete "CMS Proposed Rule Incentivizes Home Use of Disposable NPWT" perspective article by Terry Hayslett, SmartTRAK Senior Analyst, Advanced Wound Care, just click the button below. Download the Article

Topics: Wound Care
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2 min read

Healthy Growth: Q123 Trauma Market Recap

By Natasha Weeks on 7/24/23 9:28 AM

Strong returns in IM Nailing and a flurry of activity in the Pediatric space results in a healthy Q123 for the Trauma Market

The US Trauma Market grew +6.0% in Q123 fueled by new product adoption. While headwinds such as supply chain constraints, economic challenges and staffing shortages could darken the forecast, SmartTRAK expects the Trauma Market will not be as heavily impacted as its elective procedure counterparts and should continue to experience healthy growth through 2023 as many manufacturers note Q1 results are in line with pre-Covid historical trends.
Among the many topics covered in detail in SmartTRAK 's comprehensive Q123 Trauma Market Recap *  are:
  • Complete Q123 Trauma Market Overview
  • SmartTRAK's Expert Market Analysis and Insights
  • All Trauma Companies' News, Revenues, Data, Charts and Market Shares
  • IM Nailing Closes the Quarter on High with Solid Returns
  • New Regulatory Clearances Propel the Pediatric Trauma Segment:
    • OrthoPediatrics
    • NuVasive Specialized Orthopedics, Inc.
    • Wishbone Medical
  • Q123 Trauma Regulatory Highlights

During Q1, the Pediatric Trauma segment experienced a notable surge in regulatory clearances, indicating forthcoming product launches aimed at bolstering the segment's growth. These approvals signal  ...

Read the entire Q123 Trauma Market Recap, including SmartTRAK's expert analysis, news, data, charts, revenues and shares*

*These links and the complete unedited article can only be viewed by SmartTRAK subscribers to this module. For more information on SmartTRAK, including how to receive a demo and subscribe, please click the button below. Learn More about Subscribing to SmartTRAK

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2 min read

The Future of Interventional Pain Management and Peripheral Nerve Stimulation

By Anne Staylor on 7/17/23 3:13 PM

SmartTRAK’s survey of interventional pain physicians reveals valuable insights into current and future trends in interventional pain management and peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS)

SmartTRAK recently conducted a survey of 30 interventional pain physicians, including 18 doctors who perform PNS, to gain insight into the current state of interventional pain management and identify future trends in the field. This includes physician use of SCS, DRG Stimulation, short- and long-term PNS, RFA, TDD, Regenerative Medicine injections and MIS spine procedures, with an emphasis on PNS companies and technologies.

This comprehensive study sheds light on procedure trends, preferred treatment approaches, physicians' perspectives on PNS and more!

Key questions include:

  • What interventional pain procedures are expected to grow the most in the next 12-24 months?
  • What minimally invasive spine procedures do physicians think will increase the most in the next few years?
  • What are expected procedure volumes for Regenerative Medicine injections?
  • What are the most preferred treatment approaches for different chronic pain conditions?
  • What are physicians' impressions of the different PNS technologies/brands?
  • What are the top targets for PNS and what's driving and limiting physician adoption of PNS?
  • What technology improvements do physicians want to see in PNS devices?

Click the button below if you are interested in purchasing SmartTRAK’s Interventional Pain Management and Peripheral Nerve Stimulation Survey. Be The Expert with the latest insights and trends in the field and equip yourself with valuable knowledge. Click Now! Get the Survey

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2 min read

Mergers & Acquisitions: Q123 Spine Market Recap

By Courtney Sheedy on 7/14/23 2:05 PM

Despite M&A uncertainties with Orthofix/SeaSpine and Globus/NuVasive, the Spine market posted strong growth for Q123.

Q123 gave definition to some of the merger and acquisition uncertainty, but there’s undoubtedly more to be revealed as 2023 presses on. Only a crystal ball could predict the full-year performance of the newly integrated Orthofix/SeaSpine plus the highly-anticipated combination of Globus with NuVasive (many others on the horizon), yet the Spine market posted strong growth in Q123 amidst the disruption.

Among the many topics covered in detail in SmartTRAK's comprehensive Q123 Spine Market Recap* are:

  • Complete Q123 Spine Market Overview
  • SmartTRAK's Expert Market Analysis and Insights
  • All Spine Companies' News, Revenues, Data, Charts and Market Shares
  • Top Players' Performance
    •  JNJ/DePuy Synthes
    • Globus 
    • NuVasive 
    • Stryker
  • Q123 Spine Trends
    • M&A Activity
    • New Products
    • Reimbursement Dynamics
  • Regulatory Highlights
  • Europe Regulatory Updates
  • Clinical Study Progress

Orthofix and SeaSpine announced the completion of its merger in Q123 in which SeaSpine became a wholly owned subsidiary of Orthofix. In a recent note, Canaccord Genuity highlighted SeaSpine7D Surgical and Simplify as the most notable of the recent spine acquisitions. SmartTRAK agrees and notes that ...

Read the entire Q123 Spine Market Recap, including SmartTRAK's expert analysis, news, data, charts, revenues and shares*

*These links and the complete unedited article can only be viewed by SmartTRAK subscribers to this module. For more information on SmartTRAK, including how to receive a demo and subscribe, please click the button below. Learn More about Subscribing to SmartTRAK

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2 min read

Advancements and Innovations In Bio-Integrative Fixation: An Interview with Orahn Preiss-Bloom

By Andy Knapik on 7/13/23 9:48 AM

Orahn Preiss-Bloom, founder and Chief Innovation Officer of Ossio Ltd. discusses Osssio’s advancements in innovations in the world of bio-integrative fixation devices.

In an interview with SmartTRAK, Orahn Preiss-Bloom, the founder and Chief Innovation Officer of Ossio Ltd, discusses how Ossio came to be, what makes their products different and where he sees the Company going in the future.

To find out more about Ossio, click on the following video to watch the interview (24:42 min). To download a complete transcript of the interview, click here. For more details, interview topics by timecode are provided below.

Interview Topics By Timecode

00:44 Orahn’s background in the medical industry.
03:53 What differentiates the OSSIO product.
07:55 Initial uses for OSSIOfiber.
12:40 Overcoming surgeon objections to biointegrative materials.
15:13 Ossio education labs.
19:44 Ossio in sports medicine.
22:41 Surgeon concerns.

To download the complete transcript of the interview with Orahn Preiss-Bloom, Founder and Chief Innovation Officer of Ossio Ltd, just click the button below. Download the Interview Transcript

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2 min read

Cold Plasma Poised for Growth in Europe: EWMA 2023

By Kris Flinn on 7/11/23 9:30 AM

SmartTRAK reports from the EWMA conference in Italy, where cold plasma companies are hoping to work together to take advantage of European market conditions.

Discover how Europe is transforming into a hotbed of innovation for chronic wound care through the breakthrough technology of cold plasma therapy. As the global focus on chronic wounds intensifies, European markets are witnessing a surge in new technologies that offer promising solutions. From smaller, portable devices to collaborative research efforts, this article highlights the rise of cold plasma therapy and its potential to revolutionize wound care. Download the article to further explore these, and other, key points:

  • Europe's lower revenue levels for advanced wound therapies compared to the US present an opportunity for new technologies to thrive.
  • Cold plasma therapy, utilizing low-temperature atmospheric pressure plasmas, demonstrates impressive benefits in treating chronic wounds, including bacterial inactivation and enhanced healing.
  • Recent advancements have led to the development of smaller and more portable cold plasma devices, expanding treatment options beyond hospitals to ambulatory settings and even patients' homes.
  • Swiss company ActivCell Group Ag, German companies neoplas med GmbH and Plasmacure BV and Dutch company Terraplasma Medical GmbH are among the pioneering companies offering innovative cold plasma devices.
  • The future of cold plasma therapy depends on the willingness of companies to collaborate, navigate regulatory challenges, and establish a distinct market presence.
  • While European advancements in cold plasma therapy are promising, the highly competitive US market remains a long-term goal for most companies, necessitating FDA approval and strategic partnerships.
  • The rapid growth of topical oxygen therapy in the US, driven by initiatives like the Veterans Association and state-level Medicaid approvals, could potentially outpace European progress once FDA approval is obtained.

The full article delves into the transformative potential of cold plasma therapy in chronic wound care. Explore the advancements, collaborations and challenges that shape Europe's emerging market and its race against the US in revolutionizing wound treatment. Just click the button below to download the complete "EWMA 2023 - Cold Plasma Poised for Growth in Europe" article by Kris Flinn, SmartTRAK Senior Analyst - Wound. Download the Article

Topics: Wound Care
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2 min read

The Market Rebounds: Q123 Soft Tissue Fixation Market Recap

By Andy Knapik on 7/10/23 10:02 AM

Soft Tissue Fixation Rebounds in Q123 To Start the Year In a Positive Direction

In Q1, the STF market experienced notable growth, primarily driven by several factors, including an increase in elective procedures, a decrease in the effects of supply chain issues and increased growth over a sluggish Q122. Overall, these factors collectively propelled the STF market to exhibit robust growth during the first quarter.

Among the many topics covered in detail inSmartTRAK's comprehensiveQ123 Soft Tissue Fixation Market Recap* are:

  • Complete Q123 Soft Tissue Fixation Market Overview
  • SmartTRAK's Expert Market Analysis and Insights
  • All STF Companies' News, Revenues, Data, Charts and Market Shares
  • Headwinds and Tailwinds
  • Top Competitor Results & Highlights
  • Q123 Clinical/Regulatory Highlights

In the first quarter of 2023, the orthopedic ambulatory surgical center (ASC) market in the US experienced positive developments. The market witnessed significant growth in personnel, contracts and portfolio expansion within Sports Medicine companies. In their Q1 earnings call, Zimmer Biomet* COO Ivan Tornos commented that ...

Read the entire Q123 Soft Tissue Fixation Market Recap, including SmartTRAK's expert analysis, news, data, charts, revenues and shares*

*These links and the complete unedited article can only be viewed by SmartTRAK subscribers to this module. For more information on SmartTRAK, including how to receive a demo and subscribe, please click the button below.Learn More about Subscribing to SmartTRAK
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