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Anika's Expanding Shoulder Preservation Solutions

By Lisa Mahan on 10/31/23 9:33 AM

Anika’s President and CEO Cheryl Blanchard, Ph.D., discusses the Company’s expanding portfolio of shoulder preservation solutions

Anika Therapeutics entered the Reverse Shoulder Market this year with the US market release of the RevoMotion Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty System, expanding their complement of products for shoulder joint preservation and replacement. This new offering allows the Company to compete in the rapidly growing US Market for Reverse Shoulders. Lisa Mahan, SmartTRAK Senior Analyst Total Joints & Extremities, talked with Cheryl Blanchard, PhD, President and CEO of Anika, to discuss the launch of RevoMotion, along with the X-Twist Fixation System, Integrity Patch System, Cingal next generation OA injectable and Tactoset Injectable Bone Substitute.
The Interview

SmartTRAK: RevoMotion has been out almost nine months now in limited release and you just went to full market release. Congratulations. How is that going?

Cheryl Blanchard: Thank you! Anika announced the full market release of the RevoMotion Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty System (RSA) during the 2023 Orthopaedic Summit (OSET) Annual Meeting September 20-23 in Boston, MA and the response has been overwhelmingly positive.

We began the limited launch in January 2023 and have performed over 100 cases since then. The feedback we received and the response during the limited market release was impressive as some of the first patients in have already returned to their surgeons and asked for the same implant to be placed in their other shoulder. To have patients far enough into recovery to want the RevoMotion RSA in their other shoulder says a lot about the system and its future success. The limited release allowed us to collect feedback to better optimize the instrumentation and surgical technique for the full market release as well. Though we finished gathering feedback months ago, manufacturing instrument sets and system components takes time. That brought us right to our full market release during OSET in September.

We know that the reverse shoulder market is a crowded space. Given that probably 80% of the market is reverse shoulders, for Anika we knew we had something incredible to offer clinicians and patients based on the historic Arthrosurface design philosophies focused on bone sparing, motion preservation and anatomic design features. We also knew that with the data-backed and trusted OVOMotion with Inlay Glenoid Total Shoulder Arthroplasty System, it would be difficult to penetrate the full shoulder arthroplasty market without having a reverse option.

Additionally, there is a big shift of a lot of these products and procedures into the ASC setting. We will possibly see even more products coming into the ASC when CMS changes how they reimburse and we realized that there was a real opportunity to provide optimized instrument trays that would reduce the operating room footprint. RevoMotion has a two-tray instrumentation system that is very streamlined. The surgical technique is also very streamlined. We're hearing great feedback on it and we're excited to be in full market release coming into the fourth quarter.

That's wonderful. You mentioned the instrument trays and some of the design. If there was one thing that differentiates RevoMotion from other reverse shoulders on the market, what would you say that is?

CB:We believe and continue to hear feedback from surgeon users that having the smallest threaded glenoid base plate on the market is one of the biggest differentiators. Personally, I didn't understand the true significance of that until I started to speak directly with surgeons who had used the system. Listening to real-time feedback and observing in the OR, you realize it's a major benefit as it provides...

To download and read the complete transcript of the interview with Anika’s President & CEO Cheryl Blanchard conducted by Lisa Mahan, VP Product Development & IT, Sr. Analyst TJ&E, just click the button below. Download the Transcript

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1 min read

Trends Potentially Impacting the Total Joints Market: A Flash Report

By Lisa Mahan on 10/18/23 8:03 AM

SmartTRAK takes a quick look at recent trends that may influence the Total Joints Market in the near and long term

Wall Street Analysts recently called out two trends specifically that could influence the Total Joints Market. One trend, the strengthening of the US dollar, is likely to impact the global market in 2024. Another trend is the increased prescribing of GLP-1 drugs, such as Ozempic, Wegovy, Byetta and Mounjaro, medications first used to treat Type 2 diabetes, as a treatment for obesity. This has the potential to impact the market down the road. In this downloadable article, SmartTRAK maps out the potential impact of these trends.

To download and read the complete article by SmartTRAK's Lisa Mahan, Product Development & IT, Sr. Analyst TJ&E, just click the button below. Read the Article

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2 min read

Three Ortho Robotics Companies to Watch in 2023

By Shelly Caruso on 5/9/23 9:30 AM

SmartTRAK identifies three orthopedic robotics companies strategically positioned to shake things up this year in the fast-growing robotic-assisted TJA market.

SmartTRAK projects robotic-assisted total knee arthroplasties (TKAs) will account for 48.5% of all US TKAs and 79.6% of all US robotic-assisted joint replacements by 2026E. This growth of robotic-assisted ortho procedures and ongoing adoption of enabling tech continues to drive the US ortho robotics market. In this Market Outlook Article, SmartTRAK identifies and analyzes three robotics companies that may shake things up in 2023 and beyond. They are:

  • Stryker: Racing Towards New Indications in 2023
    • On the heels of a record-breaking quarter in Q422 in terms of MAKO installations in the US and internationally, market-leader Stryker (SYK) announced in its Q422 earnings call highly-anticipated timelines for the Company’s plans to launch ...
  • THINK Surgical: Pursuing Two New Robots in 2023
    • THINK Surgical has a different approach compared to most robotics competitors. The Company focuses on providing robotic systems for joint replacement surgery, with an open implant library as an alternative to closed systems limited to a single manufacturer's implants. At the Canaccord Genuity Healthcare Conference in 2022, the Company revealed plans to ...
  • Globus Medical: Bringing Knee Enabling Tech to Market in 2023
    • Since Globus Medical (GMED) acquired Stelkast in 2019 as a foundation for expanding into the total joint market, an orthopedic robotic system from the Company has been looming on the horizon. In the last two years, GMED has been consistently submitting intellectual property applications related to ...

To read the complete "Three Ortho Robotics Companies to Watch in 2023" Market Outlook article by By Shelly Caruso, SmartTRAK's Market Analyst/Medical Writer, Just click the button below. Download the Ortho Robotics 2023 Article

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2 min read

Spine Themes for 2023: Great Expectations

By Courtney Sheedy on 5/5/23 9:30 AM

For FY23, SmartTRAK expects to see M&A activity create both opportunities and challenges, the impact of positive swings in reimbursement furthering growth in SI joint fusion and disc replacement and for ongoing hospital limitations and the persistent adoption of MIS techniques to perpetuate the movement of spine cases to the ASC environment.

SmartTRAK expects to see several trends evolve in the spine market in 2023, shaped by current events and changing market dynamics in recent years. Over the past several years, organizational consolidation has continued as the market demanded scale to compete. An evolution in innovation and advancements in surgical techniques continues to push categorical growth in minimally invasive surgery (MIS) and other procedures that lean on technology to maximize surgical efficiencies for both patients and surgeons.

In this comprehensive Market Outlook article, SmartTRAK examines, in detail, the following issues confronting the Spine market in the year ahead:

  • Corporate Consolidation Activity is Creating both Opportunities and Headwinds
    • Two important mergers transpired last year which will undoubtedly cause major market disruption in 2023: Orthofix/SeaSpine and Globus/NuVasive. For both deals, SmartTRAK expects to see ...

  • An Evolving Reimbursement Landscape is Driving Continued Growth in SI Joint fusion and Disc Replacement
    • There continue to be two spine procedures commanding attention for similar reasons. Historically, sacroiliac joint (SIJ) fusion and total disc replacement (TDR) have been simple and innovative solutions with limited clinical data available, both plagued with reimbursement challenges. The demand for both has been growing for years ...

  • Ongoing Hospital Constraints and Continued Adoption of MIS Techniques Further Procedural Migration to ASCs
    • The macroeconomic climate has caused systemic budget cutting and restructuring in healthcare, which has challenged staffing abilities in already overburdened facilities. Hospital executives’ demand for efficiency and optimization often put surgeons in a position of ...

To read the complete "Spine Themes for 2023: Great Expectations" Market Outlook article by Courtney Sheedy, SmartTRAK's General Manager, Spine, Just click the button below.Download the Spine Themes 2023 Article

Topics: Top Story Spine
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3 min read

Five Companies to Watch in Wound Diagnostics in 2023

By Kris Flinn on 4/25/23 9:30 AM

The need for effective wound diagnostics has never been greater. SmartTRAK highlights five companies that may advance the market in 2023

SmartTRAK forecasts the US Diagnostics Aids Market to more than double in size by 2026E. There is a significant need for diagnostic technologies in US wound care, with hard-to-heal wounds anticipated to exceed four million by 2026E and advanced wound care revenues growing at a five-year compound annual growth rate of over 6% according to the SmartTRAK US AWC Market Overview.

In this article, SmartTRAK focuses on five noteworthy companies and the key initiatives they have planned for 2023 and also reveals four organizations that could disrupt the market this year. The five are:

  • Spectral MD
    • It is now ten years since Spectral MD was first awarded US Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) funding to accelerate the commercialization of its DeepView technology, a portable imaging system that uses ...

  • MolecuLight
    • Since 2015, MolecuLight has been very visible and active with its MolecuLight i:X device, a handheld fluorescence imaging device that provides real-time visualization of bacteria in chronic wounds at ...

  • Podimetrics
    • Podimetrics is another company that has ridden the challenges of the early 2020s with great success. Revenues have doubled for three years running and Company infrastructure has been ...

  • Smith+Nephew
    • SNN has shown a greater desire to establish itself within wound diagnostics than any other major wound care player. In addition to the Company’s agreement with MolecuLight, in 2019, SNN also acquired ...

  • 3M
    • SmartTRAK estimates that 3M had a 19.5% share of the WW Advanced Wound Care Market in the first nine months of 2022, making them the number one player. Over 80% of the Company’s revenue is from ...

The US Diagnostic Aids Market is highly fragmented, with a variety of start-ups, academic institutions and established players attempting to commercialize a range of technologies. As well as the five companies already featured, SmartTRAK believes that the following organizations could disrupt the market in 2023 ...

Just click the button below to download and read the "Five Companies to Watch in Wound Diagnostics in 2023" Market Outlook article by Kris Flinn, SmartTRAK Senior Analyst, Wound. Download the Market Outlook Article

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2 min read

The Future of Spine Enabling Tech for 2023

By Shelly Caruso on 4/4/23 9:33 AM

As the US Spine Enabling Technology Market shows signs of blossoming opportunity in 2023, SmartTRAK highlights three distinct trends continuing to gain traction in the coming year.

The US market for Spine Enabling Technology boasted modest YoY gains in nearly every quarter in 2022, showing signs of blossoming opportunity in 2023 as procedure volumes return to pre-pandemic levels. SmartTRAK projects the US Spine Enabling Technology Market will have a five-year CAGR of 25.1%, according to SmartTRAK Spine Enabling Tech Market Overview. Looking ahead, SmartTRAK sees three distinct trends continuing in 2023: the growing use of artificial intelligence (AI), the increasing use of “smart” innovations in robotics and the ongoing shift of spine cases to the ambulatory surgery center (ASC) setting.

Among the trends outlined and discussed in detail in this Market Outlook article are:

Trend #1: Growing Use of AI to Optimize Surgery and Predict Outcomes
It is no secret that AI is here to stay. In recent years, advances in deep learning and deep neural networks have fueled the introduction of a wave of AI and machine learning-based solutions across various medical applications. SmartTRAK reviews the development of AI in healthcare and the implementation of AI-driven imaging in orthopedics and ...

Trends #2: Increasing use of "Smart" Drilling and Haptic Feedback in Robotics. Current evidence remains unclear whether increased accuracy of implant placement associated with robotic assistance in spine surgery translates to improved patient outcomes. Nevertheless, robotic adoption is clearly increasing with market leader MDT highlighting “record-breaking quarters” in Mazor robotics for Q4FY22. SmartTRAK estimates the US Spine Robotics Market will reach ...

Trends #3: : Ongoing Shift of Non-complex Spine to ASCs. During the COVID-19 pandemic, hospital restrictions on non-urgent surgical cases prompted surgeons to take more cases to surgery centers. For a surgeon, ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) can facilitate better economics, control and patient safety. In the pandemic aftermath, published research suggests there is a renewed focus on ...

To download and read the complete "The Future of Spine Enabling Tech for 2023" article by Shelly Caruso, SmartTRAK Market Analyst/Medical Writer, just click the button below. Download the Article

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2 min read

A Glimpse into 2023: Regen Med Trends

By Freddy Buntoum on 3/31/23 4:04 PM

PRP and Adipose Through the Looking Glass

The interest and demand for regenerative medicine for various conditions and injuries have increased exponentially over the last decade. From January 1, 1990 to December 31, 2012, google searches for regenerative medicine totaled 21,600,000. With increased publicity about stem cells and advancements in cell and gene therapies, biomaterials and tissue engineering, google searches increased nearly ten-fold to 212,000,000 from 1/1/13 to 2/27/23.

Is regenerative medicine really the way of the future? In this article, SmartTRAK looks at the macroeconomic environment going into 2023, as well as some of the latest trends, with a special focus on two segments: platelet-rich-plasma (PRP) and adipose tissue.
Among the may topics covered in detail in this comprehensive article are:
  • PRP Trends and the Impacts to 2023 and Beyond
    • Headwinds in 2023
    • Trends in PRP Clinical Trials
    • Anticipated 2023 US PRP Market Share Standings
  • Adipose Trends and the Impacts to 2023 and Beyond
    • Adipose tissue therapy gaining interest in the field of sports medicine
    • Patient demand for minimally-invasive solutions
    • Adipose-derived cell therapies for OA and Degenerative Disc Disease
So is regenerative medicine the way of the future? Time will tell, however, SmartTRAK feels that demand and interest by multiple stakeholders, along with recent trends, medical and legal advancements and investments is tipping the scale to ...

To download and read the complete "A Glimpse into 2023: Regen Med Trends" article by Freddy Buntoum, SmartTRAK's Senior Analyst, Orthobiologics and Regenerative Medicine, just click the button below.Download the Article

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2 min read

Saluda Medical: Changing the Game in Spinal Cord Stimulation

By Anne Staylor on 3/14/23 9:54 AM

Saluda Medical President and CEO Jim Schuermann discusses the Company, the Evoke System and changing the game in SCS in an interview with SmartTRAK

With the US launch of the Evoke System, Saluda Medical is changing the game in spinal cord stimulation (SCS). At the North American Neuromodulation Society (NANS) Annual meeting in Las Vegas in January, researchers presented impressive 36-month data from the Company’s Evoke Study and the Company was showcasing its Evoke System for the first time on the NANS exhibit hall floor. As the first commercially available closed-loop SCS system using evoked compound action potentials (ECAPs), Evoke is unlike anything on the market. The technology automatically adjusts stimulation to maintain precise and consistent neural activation to the spinal cord for the treatment of intractable low back and leg pain. The Company received FDA PMA for Evoke in February 2022 and announced a limited US commercial release in December 2022, calling it the first and only ‘SmartSCS” in the US.

Saluda Medical President and CEO Jim Schuermann discusses bringing Evoke System to market, the Company’s US launch and commercialization plans, the newest generation of Evoke, his vision for the future and Evoke’s potential impact on the market in an interview with SmartTRAK. Click the button below to download and read a complete transcript of the interview. Download the Interview Transcript

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5 min read

SmartTRAK's Top 10 Blog Posts of 2022

By Thomas Wallick on 2/2/23 9:00 AM

As the COVID-19 epidemic waned and companies got back to business as usual, SmartTRAK continued to keep you informed of everything that transpired in the MedTech industry in 2022. Here are SmartTRAK's Top 10 blog posts of the past year that garnered the most attention from you and your colleagues, plus 4 bonus posts, because at SmartTRAK we always strive to deliver more than what's expected!

As the leading provider of real-time market data and analysis for the orthopedic, wound, regenerative medicine and neuro therapies markets, SmartTRAK is uniquely suited to make you the expert on all the latest developments. Our knowledgeable analysts covered a lot of ground, everything from breaking medical device event coverage to interviews with some of the industry's top thought leaders.

Medtronic: The Future of Neuromodulation in 2022 and Beyond
by Anne Staylor

Dave Anderson, Medtronic’s President Neuromodulation, and Charlie Covert, Vice President and General Manager of Pain Therapies, discuss the Company, the pandemic and the future of neuromodulation in a wide-ranging interview with SmartTRAK.

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3 min read

Personalized Arthroplasty: The Future of Total Joint Surgery?

By Nick Fitzpatrick on 1/26/23 10:22 AM

SmartTRAK interviews Dr. Pascal-André Vendittoli to learn more about the Personalized Arthroplasty Society and this year’s annual meeting.

Dr. Vendittoli explains the difference between mechanical and kinematic alignment, what he looks for in total joint computer-assisted surgery systems and why he thinks personalized arthroplasty is the future of joint surgery. To find out more, listen to the SmartTRAK interview with Dr. Vendittoli in the video below (14:56 min). A link to download the transcript of the complete interview is also provided below.
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